Katherine Deves is a liberal party politician and is endorsed by the party to stand in Warringah. Deves has come under fire for her public tweets in which she appeared to be referring to trans women via her Twitter handle.
Morrison later stated that Deves had “apologized and removed” her earlier social media statements. There she stated that the rainbow pride flag “triggered” her.
“It irritates me,” Deves said.
EXCLUSIVE: Scott Morrison’s ‘captain’s pick’ for the seat of Warringah, Katherine Deves, wipes her social media accounts, including posts where she described trans children as “surgically mutilated and sterilised” and said she was triggered by Pride flag https://t.co/RyGgSkURtV
— Samantha Maiden (@samanthamaiden) April 12, 2022
“Every time I see that on social media, I worry, ‘What now?’” ‘What do they want now?’ She further added, “I grew up with LGBT cousins and siblings, and in the 1990s, I frequented Surry Hills and X in Sydney.”
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“Many LGB family and friends have been killed, and their movement has been shattered.”
Deves stated she “wants to secure the protection of women and girls, as well as our whole community. “However, the language I used was inappropriate, and I apologize,” she stated on Wednesday.
Steggall stated that Deves’ deletion of her social media accounts “demonstrates that she was well aware of how poisonous, ill-informed, and insulting her comments and ideas were.”
Ms Deves has contended that a 2013 amendment to the Sexual Discrimination Act to grant legal protection based on gender identification is unconstitutional.
In writings and interviews, she has portrayed sex as “immutable,” a viewpoint that transgender people disagree with since they do not feel their biological sex accurately represents their gender.