Frankie Bulbrook Wiki

                                        Frankie Bulbrook Biography

Who was Frankie Bulbrook ?

A van driver has been jailed for 12 years for running over and killing a plumber after a massive fight broke out outside a pub.

Alfie Tullet, 34, has admitted killing Frankie Bulbrook, also 34, during a fight between two groups in Chislehurst, south east London, on July 24, 2020.

Tullet got into a van and drove it towards Mr. Bulbbrook, who suffered catastrophic injuries and died at the scene in Belmont Green.

At the Old Bailey on Thursday, Tullet, from East Malling, Kent, was jailed for 12 years for involuntary manslaughter and two years for violent disorder, to run simultaneously. He pleaded guilty to both crimes.

Sentencing him at the Old Bailey, Judge Simon Mayo QC said: ‘He got into the driver’s seat of a Transit van in which he had traveled to the scene with two friends.

He drove the van into the public park where the riot was taking place and deliberately ran over Frankie Bulbbrook.

He dismissed the suggestion that he had no intention of running him over.

The judge said using the truck as a weapon was a “seriously aggravating feature.”

Bulbbrook’s two half-brothers, Alfie, 24, and Harry Boyles, 26, were each jailed for two years and nine months after being convicted of violent disorder.

Three of Tullet’s friends, Jorge Blackman, 32, Ben Alexander, 28, and Tommy Rose, 27, were acquitted of the charge.

Charlotte Newell, QC, in charge

Charlotte Newell, QC, in charge of the prosecution, said the incident started with a verbal confrontation between Ben Alexander and Harry Boyles that later turned into a fight with a cat and a car seat belt being used as weapons.

Mrs Newell said: “Both men called for reinforcements and were joined by Harry’s brothers, Frankie Bulbrook and Alfie Boyles.” And Ben Alexander was joined by his friends Alfie Tullet, Jorge Blackman and Tommy Rose.

“An altercation then followed in which injuries were sustained.”

Tullet received a 9.5cm stab wound to the buttocks, Blackman a stab wound to the left upper back and Alexander a 6cm stab wound to the lower back, the court heard.

Alfie Boyles had cuts on his hands and his brother Harry had suffered bruising, swelling and abrasions to various limbs, as well as a broken right arm.

Mr. Tullet failed to knock Mr. Bulbrook

“It was a fight that seemed to grow out of the smallest of arguments, but ultimately had the most serious consequences,” Ms. Newell said.

‘Alfie Tullet participated in that fight before walking away from the green and getting into the van in which he, Tommy Rose and Jorge Blackman had arrived and then he, Alfie Tullet, drove onto the Green deliberately running over Frankie Bulbrook.

Mr. Tullet failed to knock Mr. Bulbrook to the ground initially and then turned the truck around and continued in pursuit of Frankie Bulbrook, again deliberately driving into him, causing Mr. Bulbrook to fall to the ground.

‘Tullet, in that van, ran over the body of Frankie Bulbrook before speeding off to the nearby Gordon Arms Tavern with Mr. Blackman, Mr. Alexander and Mr. Rose also in the vehicle.

As his friends received medical treatment, Tullet tried to dispose of evidence in the streets surrounding the Gordon Arms, jurors heard.

Mrs Newell said Tullet left Mr Bulbbrook on The Green “with catastrophic injuries from which there was no prospect of survival”.

Mr. Bulbrook was pronounced dead at the scene as his brothers disposed of evidence and fled the scene.

Jeremy Dein QC, defending, said: “We recognize the tragedy of the case and invite my lord to accept that Mr Tullet is truly sorry for what happened.”

This remorse was said to be reflected in Tullet’s letter to the court, the contents of his pre-sentence report and psychiatric report, as well as his guilty plea.

‘Mr Tullet is not a violent man,’ said Mr Dein. “He has no convictions for violence. His warnings are for minor matters.

Dein said his client reacted with “panic” to a violent situation in which two of his friends, Alexander and Blackman, had been stabbed.

Tullet himself was also stabbed in the buttocks before making what his attorney called “the totally inexcusable but spontaneous decision” to drive the truck into the field.

The court also heard that Tullet has a history of mental health problems, including a personality disorder, a maladaptive stress response and now post-traumatic stress disorder.

Judge Mayo said

Judge Mayo said: “I am fully satisfied from all that I have heard, seen and read during the course of the trial that you, Harry Boyles, were primarily responsible for instigating the violence.”

‘It is clear to me that you were angry as a result of an exchange of words.

It was as a result of his actions that his brothers Alfie and Frankie became involved in the confrontation and continuing violence at Belmont Green.

‘It appears that your group was armed with various weapons.

‘Recovered from the scene was a knuckle and a knife. Additionally, a car jack was seized and used as a weapon.

Two of the opposing group were stabbed and seriously injured and, worst of all, your brother Frankie was run over and killed.

‘A witness at the scene heard a woman who must have been her mother tell them both ‘this is her fault’.

‘In my judgment and from the evidence presented at trial she was correct in blaming you for causing or contributing to the chain of events that had terrible and tragic consequences, although I accept that you did not intend for your brother to die that afternoon. .’

The judge ordered the destruction of the weapons that had been recovered by the police.


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