As you’re likely aware, Joe Biden has COVID. But what many may not know is that he’s practicing white supremacy.

That, according to a well-credentialed doctor.

As reported by Twitchy, Dr. Kim Sue took to Twitter this week to wax on the White House’s business as usual. According to the PhD recipient, the President’s running on racism.

On July 22nd, Dr. Kim claimed as follows:

“(Biden) sets a bad example for everyone that he cannot rest. COVID infection is serious, symptoms debilitating for many, and ppl should take time off without working through it.”

And that entry began with a bang:

“POTUS working while having COVID infection epitomizes white supremacy urgency in the workplace.”

It’s an interesting idea, but not a new one.

As I noted earlier this month, Oregon’s equity and inclusion agency was scheduled to meet with two partner groups and the public. The conference was ultimately postponed, and the official reason was rousing:

Thank you for your interest in attending the community conversation between Regional Health Equity Coalitions (RHECs) and Community Advisory Councils (CACs) to discuss the Community Investment Collaboratives (CICs). We recognize that urgency is a white supremacy value that can get in the way of more intentional and thoughtful work, and we want to attend to this dynamic. Therefore, we will reach out at a later date to reschedule. confirms. KKK-ish urgency…

  • Sacrifices and erases the potential of other modes of knowing and wisdom that require more time (embodied, intuitive, spiritual)
  • Encourages shame, guilt, and self-righteousness to manipulate decision-making
  • Reproduces either/or thinking because of the stated need to reach decisions quickly
  • Involves unrealistic expectations about how much can get done in any period of time; linked to perfectionism in the urgency that perfectionism creates as we try to make sure something is done perfectly according to our standards

As I wrote at the time, the Smithsonian’s on board — it’s labeled viewing time “as a commodity” a sign of “whiteness.”

But it’s more complex: The museum also deems “delayed gratification” putridly pale.

So white if you do, white if you don’t. How can we escape our Caucasian-caused hell?

Everywhere is ashen:

Political Science: Academics Attack the ‘Whiteness in Introductory Physics’

Major University Professor Fights Math’s ‘Harbor for Whiteness’

Major University Whacks the White Supremacy of the Library of Congress

Forensic Anthropologists Say ‘Cloaked’ Whiteness Soils Science

Law Professor Denounces the Constitution’s ‘White Supremacy’

Science Journal Decries Racism in Geology, Claims Black People Are Too Scared to Hold Hammers

Back to Biden, the issue isn’t helped by his previous remarks.

Fox News has collected a few:

Why would anyone listen to Dr. Kim? Well, she’s a Harvard-trained Yale University alum. Furthermore, she teaches at the Yale University School of Medicine.

If the doctor’s diagnosis is correct, the White House is wickedly wrong. But if it helps: The President only appears to work an hour or two a day.


See more content from me:

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Find all my RedState work here.

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