According to traditional Eastern medicine, our face perfectly reflects our health and lifestyle. We think it would be helpful for all of us to discover if there is something our face is trying to say, or maybe there are habits that we should change.

Anyways, it’s good to know what’s going on inside you and what signals your body is trying to send.

What Face Says About Health

1. Thin And Gaunt Face

You probably went too far with your exercise or diet. When you exercise too much, you prevent the facial skin from receiving the necessary amount of oxygen and the cheekbone area is the most affected.

10 Things Your Face Says About Your Health
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Create your own training plan and follow a healthy diet to make your face look young and fresh.

2. Swollen Face

If you notice that your face is swollen, it means that you may need to exercise a little more or decrease your stress level and alcohol consumption.

These three factors negatively affect the collagen production process, making facial skin flaccid.

To make your face smoother and younger, do some regular physical activity and decrease your intake of alcoholic beverages.

3. Wrinkles

10 Things Your Face Says About Your Health
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If you are someone who likes to spend a lot of time in the sun, know that UV exposure is a major cause of early wrinkles. As the skin around the eyes is much thinner and more delicate, the sun can easily damage it.

Protect your face by applying sunscreen even if the day is cloudy.

4. Dry Skin

Your poor diet is probably the main reason why your face is dry and sensitive. Poor nutrition results in the deficiency of these important vitamins and minerals responsible for the elasticity of the skin.

Remember that anti-aging creams are totally useless if you don’t take care of your skin from the inside.

Be sure to consume fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors and you will soon see visible results on your skin.

5. Skin Redness

Drinking too much coffee can cause skin irritation and redness. Caffeine dehydrates cells, causing inflammation and dryness. Also, if you work at night and sleep during the day, you may not have vitamin D because you don’t regularly expose your skin to the sun.

10 Things Your Face Says About Your Health
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Reduce your caffeine intake or replace coffee with another tasty drink. To get enough vitamin D, try to get sunbathe every day, but don’t forget to wear sunscreen.

6. Yellow Skin

If you notice that your skin tone has turned yellow, you may have liver problems or anemia. It is important that you see a specialist as soon as possible if you notice these changes on your skin.

7. Pale Skin

10 Things Your Face Says About Your Health
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If your face becomes paler than normal, it may be a sign of iron deficiency. Try to increase your intake of iron-rich foods, such as meat and vegetables. Do not forget vitamin C, as it facilitates the absorption of iron in your body.

8. Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

If you suffer from insomnia and have an unhealthy diet, it will be more difficult to combat these dark circles. Tobacco and alcohol use also contributes negatively to puffy eyes.

You should get enough sleep (about 8 hours) and get rid of your bad habits. Exercise and a balanced diet will do wonders for tired skin.

9. Acne

If your diet is rich in fats and sugars, it may be the reason for your acne problem. Sometimes hormonal changes are responsible.

But no matter what the cause is, always keep your face clean and detoxify your skin from the inside by eating healthy foods.

10. Laughter Lines And Wrinkles Around Your Mouth

If you have deep wrinkles around your mouth, you obviously love to smile a lot. But while smiling is good for you, you should also know that these wrinkles indicate a vitamin B deficiency. And chapped lips are generally caused by a lack of vitamin C.

A healthy diet rich in green vegetables, oranges, and peppers can positively change the situation around your lips.

Preview photo credit DEPOSITPHOTOS
Based on materials from Diario Uno

Source: crfatsides

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