Like it, love it, or hate it, there’s still plenty of winter left—and you’ll want to be warm for it. That’s why finding the best snow pants for women is top of mind for us right now. Whether you’re booking a last-minute trip to the ski slopes or looking for something to wear on a romp around the park, a good pair of snow pants can be the one piece of outdoor gear (besides your snow boots) standing between you having good, wholesome fun in the snow and trudging home early because you’re soaked and chilled to the bone.
Ideally, snow pants should accomplish two key goals: keep your legs warm and keep them dry. So at minimum, you should look for insulation and weather- or waterproofing on your pants of choice. Depending on your needs, you may want to look for a few other features that’ll further protect you against damp, cold weather, namely gaiters and bibs. Gaiters are built into the legs of some snow pants and prevent snow from getting inside your boots. Pants that come with bibs hit higher up on your torso, sometimes resembling overalls, providing extra warmth and coverage (and keeping snow from falling down your pants).
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Whatever your plans for the winter season may be, we’re pretty sure you’ll feel more prepared to weather another month (or what’ll feel like several) if you have a pair of top-rated snow pants in your closet. With that in mind, we’ve highlighted some of the best snow pants for women on the market now, from best-selling budget picks to highly reviewed technical gear, below.
All products featured on SELF are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.
Source: SELF