1. Find Out What Made Love Disappear From Your Relationship
If you are willing to make your partner fall in love with you once again and strengthen your relationship, then you need to find out what made love fly out of the window. Was it your ignorance towards each other or was it the hectic work schedule and never ending responsibilities? Unless you are not sure about the reason due to which you and your partner have distanced yourself, you won’t be able to solve the problem.

2. Talk About Your Issues With Your Partner
Once you have figured out the reason that brought distance in your relationship, the next thing that you can do is talk with your partner. Remember, open communication is the key to a healthy relationship. For this, you can talk about the good old times that you had with each other and the way you made each other feel loved and special. You can also talk about the likely reasons that took away the spark from your relationship. This way you will be able to sort out misunderstandings, if any and bridge the gap in your relationship.

3. Spend More Time With Each Other
Remember the initial and happy days of your relationship. You used to spend quality time and how you made secret plans to see each other. You can do the same thing to bring back the lost love in your relationship. For this, you can make plans to pay a surprise visit to your partner or take him/her on a long drive. You can also spend some time reminiscing about your good old days.

4. Surprise Your Partner With Some Unexpected Gifts
This is another step that can help you in making your partner fall in love with you once again. You can shower your love by surprising him/her with some gifts. It can be anything such as a love letter, flowers, dresses, etc. When it comes to surprises, you can try to do something that can bring a smile on your face such as you can play with your partner’s hair or send a sweet message to him/her.

5. Respect Your Partner’s Choices And Interests
In order to make your partner love you once again, it is quite essential for you to respect him/her. Unless you don’t respect your partner and his/her interests, you won’t be able to make your partner won’t love you whole-heartedly. To love your partner doesn’t mean to impose your choices, preferences and opinions on your partner. In fact, you need to respect your partner’s ideas or choices in every possible way.

6. Cook Their Favourite Meals
Another way of making your partner fall in love with you once again is by cooking his/her favourite meal. This is because when you cook something for your partner, he/she will surely acknowledge your effort. Moreover, this shows that you care for your partner’s likes and dislikes. You don’t have to prepare something extraordinary. In fact, you can prepare coffee, juice, breakfast and side dishes for your partner, as per your convenience.

7. Plan A Surprise Dinner Date
Who doesn’t like the idea of surprise dates? If you think your partner has lost interests in going out on dates or accompanying you to parties, then this is high time when you should take things in your hands. You can plan a surprise dinner date with your partner and let him/her realise that your love for him/her is still the same. You can also plan a candle-light dinner at your place and enjoy the privacy.

8. How About A Movie Night?
Watching a movie together with your partner can help you in making your partner fall in love with you once again. If it’s been a long time since you watched movies together and had a quality time, then you must go for it. You can either book tickets for a movie or watch a movie of your choice at your own place. For the latter, you can decorate your room, light some scented candles, a popcorn bucket and cozy blankets . This will create a whole new ambience and you and your partner can snuggle into each other’s arms.

9. Let There Be Some Personal Space
Just because you want to make your partner fall in love with you once again and show love for him/her, doesn’t mean that you will always hover around your partner. Let there be some room for personal space. It is a very bad idea to cling to your partner 24*7 as this may irritate your partner and ruin the things.

10. Appreciate Your Partner
One of the best ways to make your partner develop romantic feelings for you, is by appreciating him/her. Believe it or not, giving genuine compliments to your partner for his/her hard work, personality, behaviour, etc. can prove to be a stepping stone in making your realise love for you. If your partner cooks something, then you can appreciate the same. Let your partner know that you are proud of him/her. Eventually, this will make your partner fall in love with you once again.

11. Take Interest In Each Other’s Hobbies
Taking interest in your partner’s hobbies and actively participating in the same can help you in bringing back the love in your relationship. If your partner loves to read books and always wanted you to read some of them, then go for it. Moreover, encourage your partner to take interest in your hobbies as well. But then, you need to ensure that you aren’t forcing your partner for these things.

12. Let Your Partner Know That You Still Love Him/Her
If you truly love your partner, then there’s nothing wrong in being vocal of feelings. Communicate your love for your partner and let him/her know that no matter what comes, you will always love him/her. For this, you can hug your partner after coming from work, give a sweet kiss before going to bed and holding hands when sitting or walking together. You can also write sweet notes and hide at the places where your partner is most likely to find them. Not only this, you can say sweet things to your partner or cuddle together. Trust us, this will surely do wonders in your relationship.

13. Go On Short Trips and Vacation
If you are always busy looking after your kid (s), family and giving more time to your work, then take a break and go on some short trips and vacations. Spending some alone time with your partner, away from your work and family will surely help you in bringing back the lost love and making your partner fall in love with you once again. You can also take your partner on a short vacation and rekindle the romance.
No matter what you do, always remember transparency is essential in every relationship. Be honest with your partner and let him/her know that you trust each other. Show genuine love, respect and care to your partner.
Source: boldsky blog