
1. Egg

Eggs are a good source of protein and other essential vitamins and minerals. But, the egg yolk is rich in biotin and consuming it will help meet the daily requirements of biotin. Raw eggs contain a protein called avidin that binds to biotin and prevents the absorption of biotin in the body. Cooking eggs helps in better biotin absorption [3]. 100 g of large egg yolk contains 45.9 ug biotin.

How to add it in your diet: Consume hard-boiled or scrambled eggs.

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2. Liver

Meat liver such as chicken and beef liver contains high amounts of biotin. Apart from biotin, meat liver is also a good source of protein, iron, copper, vitamin A and vitamin B12. 74 g of cooked beef liver contains 30.8 ug biotin and 74 g of cooked chicken liver contains 138 ug biotin [4].

How to add it in your diet: Enjoy chicken or beef liver by frying it with onions, add it in burgers or chop it up in pasta dishes.


3. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds also contain a good amount of biotin and also provide other nutrients such as fibre, protein and fat. 30 g roasted, salted almonds contain 1.32 ug biotin, 30 g of walnuts contain 0.78 ug biotin and 31 g sunflower seeds contain 2.42 ug biotin [4].

How to add it in your diet: You can either consume raw nuts and seeds or add to stir-fried dishes.

10 Health Benefits Of Eating Soaked Almonds In The Morning


4. Salmon

Salmon, as we all know is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, but this fatty fish is also a good source of biotin. Consuming salmon will help promote heart and brain function, provide energy and control inflammation [5]. 63 g of salmon contains 3.69 ug biotin [4].

How to add it in your diet: You can either bake or broil salmon.


5. Mushroom

All types of edible mushrooms contain protein, fibre and selenium. They are also high in biotin content and studies have shown that the presence of biotin in mushrooms protects them from predators and parasites [6]. 120 g of canned mushrooms contain 2.59 ug of biotin [4].

How to add it in your diet: Add grilled mushrooms to salads or have them sautéed.

11 Health Benefits Of Mushrooms


6. Banana

Banana is one of the most popular and consumed fruit worldwide. As we know bananas are known for their high potassium and fibre content, they are also rich in biotin. 103 g of fresh bananas is known to contain 0.14 ug biotin [4].

How to add it in your diet: Ripe bananas are often eaten raw; however, you can add them to smoothies and fruit salads.


7. Broccoli

Broccoli is loaded with vitamins, minerals and other bioactive compounds which make this vegetable one of the nutrient-dense veggies. 113 g of fresh broccoli is known to contain 1.07 ug biotin [4].

How to add it in your diet: Have it steamed, roasted or sautéed.


8. Avocado

The avocado fruit is widely-known for its high nutrient value. It contains a wide variety of nutrients such as vitamin K, folate, B vitamins, potassium and vitamin C. 37 g of fresh avocados contain 0.36 ug biotin [4].

How to add it in your diet: Spread mashed avocados onto toast, add it as a topping on salads or you can have avocado soup.


9. Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes contain good amounts of biotin and other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, calcium, vitamin C, magnesium and other nutrients. 125 g of cooked sweet potatoes contain 2.4 ug biotin [4].

How to add it in your diet: You can either bake sweet potatoes or have it as a soup.


10. Dairy products

Dairy products such as milk, cheese and plain yogurt contain a good amount of biotin. They are also an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin D, protein, etc. 28 g cheddar cheese contains 0.40 ug biotin, 170 g plain yogurt contains 0.14 ug biotin and 236 g whole milk contains 0.22 ug biotin [4].

How to add it in your diet: Have milk and plain yogurt for breakfast and add cheese to your breakfast toast or salads.


11. Oats

Oats are a commonly eaten breakfast cereal. It is a whole-grain food rich in important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants like biotin, manganese, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc and phosphorus. 190 g of oatmeal contains 0.36 ug biotin [4].

How to add it in your diet: Have oats upma, oats pancakes or prepare overnight oats with dried fruits.

5 Healthy Ways To Include Oats In Your Breakfast


12. Spinach

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable abundant in nutrients such as protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, fibre and biotin [7]. 83 g of frozen spinach contains 0.58 ug biotin [4].

How to add it in your diet: Add spinach in smoothies, salads and curries.


13. Orange

Orange is one of the most consumed fruits worldwide. It is a good source of biotin, vitamin C, folate, thiamine and fibre. 258 g of fresh oranges contain 0.13 ug biotin [4].

How to add it in your diet: Add orange to your fruit salad, breakfast cereal and have it in the form of juice.


14. Raspberry

Raspberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin E, biotin, vitamin A and other nutrients. Consuming raspberries keep your heart and brain healthy, manage diabetes and improve digestion. 140 g of fresh raspberries contain 0.25 ug biotin [4].

How to add it in your diet: Add them to your oatmeal, smoothies or salads.


15. Strawberry

Strawberries are packed with vitamins and minerals like manganese, vitamin C, folate, biotin and potassium. Eating strawberries can lower the risk of many chronic diseases. 111 g of fresh strawberries contain 1.67 ug biotin [4].

How to add it in your diet: Add strawberries in your smoothies, fruit salad or jams.


16. Tomato

Tomatoes are a great source of biotin, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium and folate. 43 g of tomatoes contain 0.30 ug biotin [4].

How to add it in your diet: Have tomato soup or chop up some and add it in your chicken salad.


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