
oi-Shivangi Karn

on January 23, 2021

Hot flashes are characterised by sudden sensations of warmth on the neck, face, chest or other body parts. They are followed by the onset of sweating and visible redness. Hot flashes are common in perimenopausal or menopausal women but also occurs in men due to conditions such as prostate cancer.

Hot flashes are usually not life-threatening and can effectively be treated by herbal remedies. These remedies help ease the sensations of warmth along with related symptoms such as redness of the skin, rapid heartbeat, perspiration and anxiety. Remember, if you notice recurrent episodes of hot flashes, it is better to consult a medical expert as it can be due to some underlying conditions.

What Are The Causes Of Hot Flashes?

In this article, we will discuss simple and effective herbal remedies to get rid of hot flashes. Take a look.

1. Apple cider vinegar

Women from different cultural and traditional backgrounds use different kinds of herbs to treat hot flashes. Apple cider vinegar can be used as an effective traditional therapy to reduce some of the menopausal complaints related to obesity and anxiety.

2. Soy

Phytoestrogens are essential to decrease hot flashes. Soy plant sources such as soybeans contain a large amount of phytoestrogens and may help get rid of hot flashes upon consumption. According to a study, consumption of around 40-80 mg of soybeans is effective to decrease hot flashes. [1]

3. Sage

Sage is a staple herb that belongs to the mint family. A study has shown that sage can help reduce the severity of hot flashes in both postmenopausal women and men with prostate cancer. It may also help reduce other related symptoms of menopause such as night sweats and fatigue. [2]

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4. Red clover

Red clover is a purple/red colour flower which is widely used as a herb for therapeutic purposes. It contains high amounts of phytoestrogens that help to reduce the intensity and frequency of hot flashes. A study says that red clover has the potential to decrease severe symptoms of hot flashes. It is available in several forms: extract, dried herbs, tincture(liquid extract of herb in alcohol) and capsules. [3]

5. Flaxseed oil

A study has shown that only 40 g of flaxseed is as effective as oral estrogen-progesterone tablets or extract to improve mild symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and improve the quality of life. This is due to the presence of plant lignans which are similar to estrogen. [4] The fatty acids in flaxseed oil are effective in reducing menopausal symptoms.

6. Black cumin

According to a study, black cumin or black seeds of Nigella sativa plants are effective in easing hot flashes with their own mechanisms. They help decrease the visceral body fat which is one of the main causes of hot flashes and thus, treats the condition. [5]

7. Chamomile tea

Pregnancy is one of the main causes of hot flashes. A study says that the consumption of herbal teas such as chamomile tea for around one month can significantly treat hot flashes and other symptoms such as anxiety and muscle ache in pregnant women. Chamomile has phytoestrogen properties and contains flavonoids. [6]

8. Liquorice

Liquorice is a root of the liquorice plant that belongs to the bean family. A study has mentioned that liquorice roots can help decrease the severity and frequency of hot flashes. It can also help prevent the complications of hot flashes when accompanied by continuous physical activities and consumption of dairy products. [7]

9. Maca

Maca belongs to the mustard family and has been used since ancient times to improve health. It is a natural hormone-regulator and is widely used to relieve menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes. Maca root is available in powder forms or capsules. [8]

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10. Evening primrose oil

Evening primrose oil has a cooling effect on the skin and helps regulate the production of estrogen. It can improve hot flashes frequency, duration and severity within six weeks compared to placebo. Women taking certain medications such as blood thinners are recommended to avoid taking the herb. [9]

11. Vitamin E

A decrease in estrogen production can cause hot flashes in women. A study has shown that oral intake of vitamin E can help reduce hot flashes in postmenopausal women. Some of the vitamin E rich foods include sunflower oil, almonds, peanuts, pumpkin and spinach. [10]

12. Vitamin C

Bioflavonoids found in Vitamin C can help reduce the frequency of hot flashes in menopausal women, says a study. Some of the vitamin C rich foods include orange, broccoli, potatoes, peppers and strawberries. [11]

13. Black cohosh

Black cohosh, also known as fairy candles is a plant with large and dark green three-branched leaves that emerges directly from the roots. It is on the top list of herbal remedies for hot flashes and is said to have a good record of safety over the years. A study says that black cohosh is comparatively more effective in treating hot flashes than primrose oil. [12]

14. Thyme tea

Thyme has many medicinal and culinary applications. The active compound found in thyme is thymol. A study says that thyme tea prepared from its leaves can effectively help relieve hot flashes in perimenopausal women. [13]

15. Ladyfinger flower

Okra, or ladyfinger, flowers can be added to vegetables during cooking. It is traditionally used by a number of women to get rid of hot flashes. However, research on the benefits of okra flower for hot flashes is not well-documented. [14]

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16. Lady’s mantle

Lady’s mantle is an attractive perennial plant that belongs to the family of roses. It has a potent combined effect on both hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms such as heavy bleeding, cramps and hormonal imbalance. Lady’s mantle contains a great amount of astringents and tannins. [15]

17. Coldwater

Body temperature rises up during hot flashes. Coldwater is the simplest and easily available remedy to bring down the body temperature during hot flashes. One can either drink plenty of cold water or dab the hot body areas to get prompt relief. [16]

Note: Though herbal remedies are better than conventional ways of treatment, they are dose-dependent and a large amount of them can cause adverse effects. It is better to consult a medical expert before using them to know about their proper dosage and ways to use them.

Other Ways

  • Balanced diet: Meat products and spicy foods are among the top contributors of hot flashes. Avoid such food items and include more phytoestrogen-rich foods in your diet such as oats, barley, wheatgerm, apples, carrots and moong.
  • Exercise: Exercise should be a part of your lifestyle. However, if you are at the menopausal stage, it is better to start exercising regularly to prevent the complications of hot flashes. Deep breathing exercises are perfect for hot flashes.
  • Control stress levels: Experts suggest that increased stress levels can cause hot flashes by disturbing the estrogen and progesterone levels. Mindful activities and relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation can help keep hot flashes at bay.
  • Comfortable clothes: Tight clothes can be a possible cause of hot flashes during menopause. Restrain from wearing tight clothes and opt for loose and comfortable clothing.


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