As you enter your 30s, maintaining a strong core becomes increasingly important for overall health, posture, and fitness. A well-developed core not only supports your spine but also enhances balance, stability, and functional movement. To help you update your fitness routine to maximize core strength and definition, I’ve put together five of the best core workouts to do in your 30s for lean abs as you age.

While your body naturally changes with age, incorporating targeted core workouts into your routine can help keep your midsection lean and toned. Below, we’ll explore five core workouts I recommend to help my clients achieve and maintain leaner abs as they age.

The Workouts

What you need: A set of light to moderate dumbbells, a stability ball, and a yoga mat

#1: Core Stabilizers

The Routine:

  • Stability Ball Plank Roll-outs (3 sets, 10 reps)
  • Bicycle Crunches (3 sets of 15 reps per side)
  • Mountain Climbers (3 sets of 20 reps per side)

1. Stability Ball Plank Roll-outs

This exercise targets the core and lower back, improving core stability and strength.

  1. Start in a plank position with your forearms resting on a stability ball.
  2. Slowly roll the ball forward, extending your arms and lowering your torso toward the ground.
  3. Roll the ball back to the starting position and repeat.

2. Bicycle Crunches

woman doing bicycle cruncheswoman doing bicycle crunches
  1. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and your legs lifted.
  2. Bring one knee toward your chest while simultaneously twisting your torso to bring the opposite elbow toward the knee.
  3. Switch sides in a pedaling motion, keeping your core engaged throughout.

3. Mountain Climbers

mountain climbers exercisemountain climbers exercise

This exercise engages the core, shoulders, and legs, offering a full-body workout that burns calories and strengthens your abs.

  1. Start in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders.
  2. Quickly alternate, bringing your knees toward your chest as if running in place.
  3. Maintain a steady pace, keeping your core tight throughout the movement.

RELATED: The #1 Standing Ab Workout for a Visibly Toned Six-Pack

#2: Bodyweight Core Routine

The Routine:

  • Weighted Russian Twists (3 sets of 15 reps per side)
  • Leg Raises (3 sets of 12 reps)
  • Side Plank Hip Lifts (3 sets of 10 reps per side)

1. Weighted Russian Twists

kettlebell russian twistkettlebell russian twist

This exercise targets the obliques and the entire core, enhancing rotational strength and stability.

  1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet lifted off the ground, holding a dumbbell or kettlebell with both hands.
  2. Lean back slightly and rotate your torso to one side, bringing the dumbbell toward your hip.
  3. Rotate to the opposite side, keeping your core engaged throughout.

2. Leg Raises

leg raiseleg raise

The leg raise focuses on the lower abs, helping to build strength and definition in the lower abdominal region.

  1. Lie flat on your back with your legs extended.
  2. Slowly lift your legs toward the ceiling while keeping them straight.
  3. Lower them back down without letting your feet touch the ground, and repeat.

3. Side Plank Hip Lifts

side plank hip dipside plank hip dip

This exercise strengthens the obliques and improves lateral core stability, contributing to a balanced core workout.

  1. Start in a side plank position with your elbow directly under your shoulder and your body in a straight line.
  2. Lower your hips toward the ground, then lift them back up to the starting position.
  3. Repeat on the other side.

17 Best Ab Exercises for Visible Results

#3: Leg Raise Variations

The Routine:

  • Hanging Leg Raises (3 sets of 10 reps)
  • V-ups (3 sets of 12 reps)
  • Flutter Kicks (3 sets of 20 reps per side)

1. Hanging Leg Raises

hanging leg raisehanging leg raise

This exercise targets the entire abdominal region, particularly the lower abs, and enhances core strength.

  1. Hang onto a pull-up bar with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slowly raise your legs toward your chest, keeping them straight.
  3. Lower them back down with control and repeat.

2. V-ups

This exercise engages both the upper and lower abs, promoting overall core strength and definition.

  1. Lie flat on your back with your arms extended overhead.
  2. Simultaneously lift your legs and upper body toward each other, forming a “V” shape.
  3. Lower back down and repeat.

3. Flutter Kicks

flutter kicksflutter kicks

This exercise works the lower abs and hip flexors, helping to tone and strengthen the core.

  1. Lie on your back with your legs extended and hands under your glutes for support.
  2. Lift your legs slightly off the ground and alternate, kicking them up and down in a fluttering motion.
  3. Keep your core engaged and your lower back pressed into the ground throughout the exercise.

The 4 Best Core Workouts To Melt Belly Fat

#4: Standing Core Circuit

The Routine:

  • Standing Oblique Crunches (3 sets of 15 reps per side)
  • Woodchopper (3 sets of 12 reps per side)
  • Standing Marches (3 sets of 20 reps per side)

1. Standing Oblique Crunches

This exercise targets the obliques and enhances core stability and balance.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in one hand.
  2. Lean to the side, engaging your obliques.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

2. Woodchopper

dumbbell wood chopper exercise illustrationdumbbell wood chopper exercise illustration

The woodchopper engages the entire core, particularly the obliques, through a dynamic, twisting movement.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell with both hands.
  2. Start with the dumbbell above one shoulder, then twist your torso and bring it down diagonally across your body.
  3. Repeat on the other side.

3. Standing Marches

The standing march works the lower abs and improves balance and coordination, making it an excellent functional core exercise.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lift one knee toward your chest while engaging your core, then lower it and lift the opposite knee.
  3. Continue alternating in a marching motion.

The 30-Day Standing Workout to Sculpt Ripped Abs in Record Time

#5: Plank Variations Circuit

The Routine:

  • Plank to Pushup (3 sets of 10 reps)
  • Side Plank with Leg Lift (3 sets of 10 reps per side)
  • Plank Jacks (3 sets of 15 reps)

1. Plank to Pushup

plank to pushupplank to pushup

This exercise strengthens the core, shoulders, and chest, providing a full-body workout that enhances stability and endurance.

  1. Start in a plank position with your forearms on the ground.
  2. Push up onto one hand, then the other, transitioning into a full pushup position.
  3. Lower back down to your forearms and repeat, alternating the leading hand.

2. Side Plank with Leg Lift

side plank leg raiseside plank leg raise

The side plank with leg lift targets the obliques and outer thighs, improving core stability and balance.

  1. Start in a side plank position with your elbow directly under your shoulder.
  2. Lift your top leg as high as you can while keeping your body in a straight line.
  3. Lower your leg and repeat before switching sides.

3. Plank Jacks

illustration of plank jacksillustration of plank jacks

This exercise combines core stability with cardio, helping to burn calories while strengthening your abs.

  1. Start in a plank position with your hands under your shoulders.
  2. Jump your feet out wide, then back together, in a jumping jack motion while keeping your core tight.
  3. Maintain a steady pace throughout the exercise.
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