Science and breakfast are often contradictory. On the one hand, the food industry insists that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, even though skipping it doesn’t really have negative consequences.

On the other hand, a rich and quality breakfast can improve your mood and prevent depression. It seems like the trick is knowing what to eat and what not to eat for breakfast.

With that in mind, today we looked into what foods are best to avoid eating before 10 a.m. to keep us healthy and fit, and the reasons behind it.

5. Buttered Toast

5 Foods That Are Better Avoid Before 10 AM to Keep Your Body Fit

Unlike what most people think, breakfast shouldn’t necessarily be a fat-free meal. The trick is to find the right kind of fat to eat in the morning.

Butter contains fat that helps process vitamins, but it also contains a lot of saturated fat that can cause heart damage and weight gain.

Instead: spread peanut butter on toast. This study found that peanuts and plain peanut butter can help you feel less hungry during the day because they increase the production of peptide YY, a hormone that regulates hunger, making it a great breakfast.

4. Small Flakes And Breakfast Cereals

5 Foods That Are Better Avoid Before 10 AM to Keep Your Body Fit

Breakfast cereals are a tricky classic. Although they are very practical, the most popular breakfast cereals contain a lot of sugar that can later turn into belly fat.

This study also shows that small flakes are associated with higher calorie intake because people tend to serve less cereal when the flakes are larger.

Instead: Eat unsweetened homemade oatmeal that contains a healthy amount of fiber and almost no sugar.

Cutting back on sugar in the morning can help you avoid that mid-morning tired feeling. If you are eating sugar-coated flakes, try buying larger flakes.

3. Pancakes And Waffles To Go

5 Foods That Are Better Avoid Before 10 AM to Keep Your Body Fit

While it’s easy to take with you when you’re in a rush, most frozen pancakes, waffles, and cookies contain refined carbohydrates.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, depending on your diet, but refined carbohydrates can make you hungrier throughout the day.

They also contain little or no fiber and a lot of trans fats that are bad for your health.

Instead: make it at home and choose whole wheat flour or check the nutritional values ​​of high-fiber pancakes. You can also just replace them with a wholemeal toast.

2. Low-fat Yogurt

5 Foods That Are Better Avoid Before 10 AM to Keep Your Body Fit

Fat-free yogurt has become a widely available alternative for breakfast. Unfortunately, it generally contains too much sugar to add flavor and too little protein.

Studies have also shown that whole yogurt actually helps you lose weight. Eating protein in the morning can help you feel less hungry during the day, which full-fat yogurt is packed with.

Instead: Choose a full-fat yogurt with no sugar.

1. Grab-and-go Fruit Juice

5 Foods That Are Better Avoid Before 10 AM to Keep Your Body Fit

Most fruit juices contain sugar and soda, according to this study, making them one of the worst options for breakfast or general consumption.

They also contain almost no fiber. Interestingly, that is not why they are a bad substitute for breakfast.

Not having to chew can make you feel less satiated, so it is important to start the day by chewing preferably fruit.

Instead: eat normal fruits. It’s a great way to activate your digestive system in the morning and prepare it for a higher calorie intake for later meals.

What do you usually eat for breakfast? Do you think it helps you stay in shape or do you want to change your habits? Let us know in the comments or share your tips below!

Source: crfatsides

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