Cold temperatures tend to keep us indoors and make us more vulnerable to viruses and infections, but in addition to these winter illnesses, cold weather can affect our bodies in a number of surprising ways.
And not all of them can be harmful to our health, in fact, it is easier for us to maintain weight during the coldest time of the year.
We love learning new things. And we did some research to find out how our bodies can react to seasonal drops in temperature.
6. Your Tongue Works More Than Usual

Freezing temperatures cause your lips to dry out and you are often tempted to lick them to hydrate them. While it may provide temporary relief, this habit can leave your lips chapped.
Saliva evaporates very quickly, leaving your lips drier than before. It also contains many enzymes that are very aggressive on your delicate lips and can cause discomfort.
5. Your Teeth Might Hurt

If you have sensitive teeth, you may experience a sharp, piercing pain when it’s freezing outside. Cold air can reach the deepest nerves of the tooth and cause pain.
Dentists recommend breathing through your nose when outdoors and wrapping a scarf around your mouth to keep it warm and protect sensitive teeth from the winter cold.
4. Your Blood Sugar May Increase

Cold weather stimulates the body to release stress hormones that increase blood sugar levels. For many, as the temperature drops, blood sugar also rises because, in cold weather, we are less motivated to go outside and exercise.
Since physical activity lowers blood sugar, doctors recommend exercising at home during winter to keep blood sugar under control.
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3. You Could Lose Weight

While it is true that many people gain weight in winter, it is also easier for the body to burn calories in cold weather.
When our bodies adapt to low temperatures, we produce heat and burn extra energy.
When we are shivering to adapt to the cold, we are burning more calories to generate heat.
2. You Could Get More Wrinkles

We can’t entirely blame winter for the appearance of more wrinkles, but our skin is more vulnerable to damage during the cold season.
As there is a drop in the humidity of the air during the cold months, your skin begins to dry out.
It cannot retain enough water and as a result, becomes dry and subject to more wrinkles.
1. Your Eyesight May Worsen

Our eyes may be at greater risk in winter than in summer. We often forget to wear sunglasses with a UV blocker in the cold season, but the sun reflected off the snow can seriously damage our eyes.
The thin layer of tear film that covers our eyes is very sensitive to dry air and wind, which can painfully dry them out. Doctors recommend the use of artificial tears in winter when you are outdoors.
Did you notice any of these winter effects on your body? What else could you add to this list?
Source: crfatsides