Happy relationships are made up of hundreds of little things. One of them is faithfulness. Everyone agrees that it is important to trust your partner.

However, some people simply cannot live without betraying their partners. For them, it is only a matter of time.

We decided to show you the different types of people you shouldn’t have a serious relationship with. You will only waste your time.

Toxic Types of People

A Narcissist

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A narcissist never agrees with the love of one person. This type of person wants everyone’s admiration. This is how they assert themselves.

Narcissists are constantly looking for the perfect partner. They sincerely believe that their current relationship is not perfect enough to continue. And they blame everyone but themselves.

Overly Romantic

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The process of seduction and the creation of a new relationship is very important for a romantic person. These people love new impressions and cannot bear the routine, they just become bored.

To avoid this, an excessively romantic person finds new means of entertainment that bring him or her happiness. They hate any boundaries or limitations and value freedom above all else.

No Self-Confidence

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We all lack confidence in ourselves in one area or another. However, if a person does not know how to live their own life and constantly needs someone else’s approval, it is a dangerous sign.

When these people see the slightest hint of alienation, they immediately start looking for a new relationship where everything will be different. All of these things are for these people’s self-assertion only.

Too Selfish

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Selfish people worry so much about themselves that they don’t accept the fact that their loved ones can suffer too.

However, they understand that they may be the reason for this suffering.

Selfish people believe that moral standards are not for them. They always forgive themselves for the things they can’t stand in others.

A Sufferer

A sufferer always plays the martyr. Any little thing can make them sad. These people are always looking for someone to comfort them.

When their partners cannot give them what they want, sufferers go searching for someone new.

A Critic

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This is just another type of person who doesn’t have enough self-confidence. Those who love to criticize others about every little thing and give advice (often unsolicited) just use it as a means of self-assertion.

It goes without saying that they are not afraid of harming anyone around them and cannot build a healthy relationship.

Source: crfatsides