Sometimes we deny ourselves too much when it comes to pursuing the perfect figure and health. However, doctors encourage us not to do so, as not all foods we think of as harmful is actually so.

We did a little research and compiled a list of 7 foods that can be very good for you if you eat them in moderation.

7. French Fries

7 Food Products We Refuse Ourselves But Really Shouldn’t

Nutritionists have long added this delicious snack to the list of harmful foods. However, as time has shown, nothing bad will happen if you eat them in small portions.

In addition, potatoes contain iodine, vitamin B, phosphorus, some vitamin C, and folic acid, improve digestion, and strengthen immunity.

6. Ice Cream

7 Food Products We Refuse Ourselves But Really Shouldn’t

Yes, ice cream can be good for both health and body. The calcium contained in milk helps burn fat and is especially good for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Milk ice cream also contains many vitamins and minerals.

To avoid consuming really harmful food coloring and additives, doctors strongly recommend eating pure or homemade ice cream.

5. Chocolate

7 Food Products We Refuse Ourselves But Really Shouldn’t
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The skin problems supposedly caused by chocolate are just a rumor. Real chocolate contains polyphenols that improve blood circulation and keep skin firm and smooth.

In addition, chocolate invigorates: a bar can replace a cup of coffee.

4. Mayonnaise

7 Food Products We Refuse Ourselves But Really Shouldn’t
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Many doctors now recommend eating a salad with mayonnaise 2-3 times a week because of the vegetable oils it contains: they help prevent heart disease.

In addition, vitamins E and F neutralize the negative effects of the environment and improve metabolism.

However, this only applies to mayonnaise you make at home; store-bought mayo won’t do you any good.

3. Beer

Beer beats everything when it comes to helpful acids. Citric acid prevents kidney stones; vitamin C and folic acid strengthen immunity.

That is why many doctors recommend drinking beer once a week; Remember the rule of moderation.

2. Sugar

7 Food Products We Refuse Ourselves But Really Shouldn’t

No, it is not a “sweet death”. Scientists have long shown that humans cannot live without sugar, and a lack of it can lead to brain problems such as sclerotic changes.

Also, sugar is a substance that regulates liver activity.

1. Strong Alcohol

Taken in small doses, strong alcoholic beverages, such as cognac, can be not only harmless but also very helpful.

They relieve headaches, improve digestion, and lower cholesterol levels.

Alcohol can also be a good treatment for common colds, and a single injection can relieve stress.

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Source: crfatsides

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