1. Take Morning Sunlight
Morning sunlight is a great source of vitamin D. This vitamin improves bone health, supports metabolism, prevents skin diseases and is also associated with the release of serotonin for good mental health. [1]
2. Walk Barefooted
Walking barefooted is a natural therapy for all kinds of foot problems. It improves body balance, awareness and strength. Walking barefooted also strengthens your hips, knees and lower back region.
3. Plan Your Day
Planning your day helps you focus on important things without wasting time. The right plan for the day will improve your productivity as well as time management. It will add structure to your life and keep you energised.
4. Do Exercise In The Morning
The time of the day influences a lot on the results of exercises. When workouts are done in the morning, the circadian circle (body’s biological clock) helps regulate many physiological functions compared to evening workouts. Also, exercises done in a fasted state in the morning is effective in reducing weight. [2]
5. Be Kind To Yourself
Self-companionship and self-kindness have many psychological and health benefits. It helps in accepting and understanding oneself in challenging and difficult times. A study says that self-companionship along with mindfulness makes a person do things which are good for their health such as going for a jog and eating healthy. [3]
6. Laugh Out Loud
A study has shown that laughter has a positive impact on both the psychological and physiological well-being of a person. It acts as an immunoenhancer and deals well with stress chemicals. Laughter has a strong effect on natural killer cells cytotoxicity. [4]
7. Learn Something New Everyday
Learning new things every day helps to improve the quality of life. The ability to learn or acquire multiple skills helps with improving cognitive performance, mental ability, visual performance and other skills. [5]
8. Cultivate A Positive Mindset
Positive psychology is the correct way of living a healthy and happy life. A study shows that a positive mindset is associated with good health in many ways. With a positive mind, the physical, mental and social well-being of a person gets connected which helps them live a healthy and long life. [6]
9. Set Small Goals
Goals-setting and actions planning is a healthy lifestyle habit to promote good health. They are important for healthy ageing as they delay the onset of age-related diseases such as dementia, cognitive decline or physical disability. Setting small goals also promotes a healthy mind and body, especially in people over the age 50. [7]
10. Offer Help To Needy
Offering help to the needy is a great act of kindness. Be it a small donation or charity work or food distribution, the happiness or feeling of joy that comes with such acts cause a positive impact on our health. Kindness helps reduce stress which is good for the emotional well-being of a person.
11. Maintain A Good Social Relationship
Many studies show that a good social relationship is linked to the lower risk of mental health problems, especially depression. Social support reduces the mortality risk, is cost-effective as well as improves the well-being of a person. [8]
12. Give Time To Your Family And Friends
Many studies suggest that spending time with your family and friends is vital for the mental health and well-being of a person. It reduces stress, encourages positive thoughts, improves mood and boosts other body functions. Spending time with family is also good for relationships.
13. Practise Gratitude
Gratitude is an act of thankfulness. In many studies, gratitude is linked to the sense of overall well-being. It is a great psychotherapy practice and the simplest techniques to improve mental health. Gratitude triggers positive feelings, builds strong relationships and improves overall health.
14. Never Go To Bed Angry
Night sleep helps people process their day’s information and store them as a memory. It is often suggested never to go to bed angry, because if we do so, our mind will store these negative memories and make it harder for us to forget in the coming times.
15. Get A Pet
Pet therapy results in a decrease in mental problems such as depression, isolation, schizophrenia and boredom. In a study, the overall health of pet owners was evaluated and it was found that they were at lower risk of heart diseases, hypertension and obesity due to physical activities that involve dog walking or training. [9]
16. Do Gardening
Gardening combines physical activities with exposure to nature and sunlight. Spending much time around trees and plants improves their oxygen supply while sunlight provides vitamin D. A study says that gardening and watering plants increase feelings of compassion and reduce depression and anxiety. [10]
17. Learn Your Favourite Musical Instrument
Playing musical instruments improves cognitive functions as well as creates a strong link between motor skills and sensory mechanisms. Such training has long-term health benefits, both physically and psychologically. [11]
18. Take Vacations
Short vacations have a long-term impact on our well-being and health. The workplace is considered a major cause of stress that leads to other health defects. Evidence shows that small trips once or twice a month can help in recovery from chronic load reactions as well as lower stress, enhances positive feelings and improves sleep quality. [12]
19. Spare Some Time For Yourself
It is rightly said that spending some time with yourself is the time well spent. Spending times alone helps relax our mind and focus on things that really matter. It also allows us to be creative and develop our self-confidence.
20. Stop Worrying About Small Things
Worrying about small things often leads to anxiety that sometimes gets severe and causes depression. We know multiple stress and problems in life make us worry about them. However, by shifting our focus and energies to important and valuable things in life, we can lower our anxieties about small things that do not matter.
21. Engage In Activities That You Love
Engaging in our favourite sports, hobbies or activities have multiple psychological benefits. They help us in the recovery from stress which we come across in our daily lives. Leisure promotes positive emotions and allows one to refresh their mind, which directly affects physical health. [13]
22. Start Your Day With A Herbal Tea
Herbal teas such as green, ginger, peppermint, hibiscus and lemon are popular beverages packed with antioxidants, polyphenols and multiple nutrients. They help in preventing multiple chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart diseases. [14]
23. Avoid Sugary Drinks
A study says that sugary drinks are likely to cause obesity, diabetes and other health problems, particularly in children. Sugary drinks such as soft drinks are high in calories and sugar content. Though they are good for hydration, their maximum intake can increase body weight and risk of chronic diseases. [15]
24. Include Nuts In Your Diet
Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, peanuts and pistachios are packed with bioactive nutrients that improve our metabolism and prevent cardiovascular diseases. They are also an excellent source of amino acids and protein that helps in various body functions. [16]
25. Consume Fruits And Vegetables
The Dietary Guidelines suggest that one-half of the plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables. They are a great source of energy, micronutrients, phytochemicals and antioxidants. The consumption of fruits and veggies is linked to a lower risk of multiple diseases such as heart diseases and cancer. [17]
26. Chew Foods Properly Before Swallowing
Chewing foods many times before swallowing is an effective strategy to lower the risk of obesity. Chewing thoroughly helps control the appetite and reduces the eating rate. Therefore, it can be an effective way to reduce weight and stay healthy. [18]
27. Meat Products Are Not Bad For Your Health
Going vegan is good for health, but meat products (in a considerable amount) are equally important for the body. Foods from animal sources such as fish, poultry or red meat are a vital source of vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids and protein, which are found in lower amounts in vegan sources.
28. Limit Your Coffee Intake
Coffee is the most widely consumed beverage due to its several health benefits, amazing taste and aroma. However, its high consumption can negatively impact health and cause insomnia, nervousness and vomiting. It is also not good in larger amounts during pregnancy. [19]
29. Consume Fatty Fish
Consumption of fatty fish twice a week (30-40 g) is recommended for healthy people by medical experts. Omega-3 fatty acids in these fatty fish helps reduce the risk of heart diseases and other metabolic diseases. [20]
30. Don’t Miss Out On Probiotics
Probiotics, such as yoghurt, are essential for maintaining the health of gastrointestinal microbiota, reducing bowel-related diarrhoea, lowering serum cholesterol and boosting the immune system. It also helps manage hypertension. [21]
31. Hydrate Yourself (Even After Drinking Alcohol)
Keeping body hydrated helps maintain the water-electrolyte balance in the body and prevent nutrition-related noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes (Type 2), metabolic syndrome and obesity. [22] Don’t forget to drink water after alcohol consumption as alcohol is a powerful diuretic that drains the fluid out of the body.
32. Do Mindful Eating
Mindful eating is as important as mindful exercising. It helps change the eating and dietary behaviours in a person. This basic practise involves paying attention to our food without judgement. Mindful eating is not about losing weight but to help a person enjoy the taste and moment of eating with their full presence for a good eating experience. [23]
33. Eat Fibre-rich Foods To Stay Full For Longer
Fibre-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and cereals are high-volume diets that take longer to get digested by the intestines. Therefore, it keeps a person full for long periods as well as prevents the sudden spike of glucose in the body.
34. Stay Away From Junk Foods
A vast majority of diseases such as strokes, obesity, cancer and diabetes are mainly caused due to unhealthy lifestyle habits. A study shows that in America, fast, junk and processed foods tend to kill a higher number of people than cigarette smoking. Healthy eating and exercise are the best ways to live a disease-free life. [24]
35. Avoid Refined Carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates (processed/simple carbs) are refined grains and sugar from which nutrients and fibre have been removed. They are a good dietary carb source but their consumptions should be limited. Higher consumption of refined carbs is highly linked to hypertension, diabetes type 2 and cardiovascular diseases. [25]
36. Saturated Fat Is Good
Unlike trans fat, saturated fats are the most satisfying foods that reduce cravings, boost metabolism and help in weight loss. However, it should be consumed in moderation to avoid the risk of obesity and heart diseases. [26] Saturated fat includes fatty cut portions of lamb/beef, high fat dairy products and dark chicken.
37. Herbs And Spices Are Essential Part Of Diet
Herbs and spices such as cloves, ginger, garlic, cinnamon, turmeric and cardamom are rich in phenolic compounds and antioxidants. Their regular consumption in small amounts is linked to a reduction in diseases such as cancer, respiratory diseases and heart problems. [27]
38. Avoid Trans Fats
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Trans fats are naturally found in small amounts in meats and milk. Industrially, it is obtained by solidifying liquid oils into solid fats for larger shelf life. Trans fats consumption should be limited since it can increase the risk of colon cancer, allergy, nervous system disorder and obesity. [28]
39. Prefer Cooking Your Meals
Home-cooked foods are essential markers of improved cardio-metabolic health that includes improved glucose levels, low cholesterol and good cardiovascular health. [29] Self-cooking also makes you keep control of the ingredients that are harmful to your health.
40. Watch Out For Unhealthy Salads
Salads made of carrots, kale, tomatoes, avocados, cucumbers are considered healthy, especially if you are trying to lose weight. However, sometimes restaurants add cheese, salad dressing and fried meats over them that increase calorie intake. Opt for grilled meat instead of fried and ask them to put cheese or salad dressing on the side.
41. Include Healthy Seeds In Your Diet
Dietary seeds such as pumpkin seeds, chia seeds and flax seeds are a great source of fibre, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. They are known to prevent cardiovascular diseases, improve digestion, control cholesterol and manage diabetes. [30]
42. Masturbating Is Good
Masturbating is good for a healthy sexual life. It improves sexual health, reduces the transmission of STDs, promotes intimacy and reduces unwanted pregnancy. [31] Masturbation also releases endorphins, a chemical that eases pain and reduces stress.
43. Sleep On Your Left Side
A study says that sleeping on the left side with the head elevated helps in reducing gastroesophageal reflux which is the main cause of heartburn, bloating and irritation of food pipe due to reflux of stomach acid. [32]
44. Meditation Is A Good Therapy
The relaxation that gets after meditation has therapeutic and prophylactic health benefits. It is a type of mindfulness exercise that helps promote mental health, reduces ageing, improves asthma as well as the risk of many chronic diseases. Include meditation in your lifestyle habits for better results. [33]
45. Be Healthy Not Slim
Being healthy does not mean slim or thin. Losing belly fat is an important aspect of weight loss as a bulged stomach is related to obesity and metabolic diseases. Therefore, lose weight but don’t cut down on important nutrients by starving yourselves.
46. Don’t Brush Immediately After Eating
After consuming acidic or erosive beverages/foods, one should avoid brushing teeth immediately. These foods soften the enamel and brushing tends to erode and make them weak. Wait for at least half an hour or one hour after eating. [34]
47. Kissing Boosts Metabolism
Kissing is not just an act of love but it has also several health benefits. Kissing helps reduce stress, lower cholesterol levels, increases the production of neurotransmitters and boosts immunity. It triggers the pleasure points of the brain and makes a person happy.
48. Practise Yoga
Yoga has amazing therapeutic benefits. Performing yoga every day improves the overall functions of the body. It also improves brain activity that keeps away all the mental problems. Yoga should be implemented as a lifestyle habit, not just an exercise. [35]
49. Avoid Exposure To Blue Light At Night
Mobile phone or electronic devices send out blue light that lowers the secretion of melatonin. This affects the sleep and wake cycle which interferes with our sleep.
50. Floss At least Once A Day
Dental floss is crucial in the management of oral diseases such as cavities, gingivitis or periodontitis. It is good oral hygiene practice to maintain the oral health and support tissues of the teeth. [36]
51. Maintain A Good Sitting Posture
It is difficult to maintain a good sitting body posture while working in front of computers for long periods. Incorrect body positions can cause muscle strain, pain or backache. Make ways to keep your body posture in a correct position to minimise the strain to muscles, neck and the back portion of the body. [37]
52. Drink Water Before Every Meal To Lose Weight
A study suggests that drinking around 500 ml of water at least 30 minutes before the meal helps in weight management. Water suppresses your appetite and helps burn calories if consumed before a meal. [38]
53. Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is a critical component for your health and development. It helps maintain brain and overall body functions. Disturbance in sleep causes problems related to metabolism, immune system, gene mutation, hormone regulation and many more. [39]
54. Avoid Elevators And Take Stairs
A study talks about the association between walking stairs and reduced risk of stroke, diabetes and lung cancer. Walking stairs helps in burning calories, strengthening lower limb muscles, maintaining body posture, preventing osteoporosis and mental illnesses. [40]
55. Too Much Exercise Is Harmful For The Body
Exercise is important for a healthy mind and body and prevention of multiple diseases, both psychological and physiological. However, addiction to exercise can negatively affect the body. There’s a certain limit to physical activities depending on a person’s age and health condition. Too much exercise can cause damage to arteries, decrease libido and tear to body tissues. [41]
56. Take Rest When You Are Ill
Rest is a concept of caring science and a health-related phenomenon. When a person is ill, rest helps to resume their body functionalities and helps in a faster recovery. It cannot be compromised as it may worsen the medical condition. [42]
57. Stretch Stretch Stretch
Stretching before and after exercise or at regular intervals increases the range of motion of muscles and joints and decreases muscle tightness. Therefore, when you are about to perform some rigorous physical activity or exercise, stretching helps prevent muscle tension and tear due to sudden body movement. [43]
58. Keep A Check On Your Waistline
Maintaining an ideal waist circumference along with good body weight is important. Increased abdominal obesity increases the risk of heart attack. Obesity is the major cause of increased waist circumference which is also associated with multiple diseases such as atherosclerotic (fat build-up in arteries), prothrombotic and inflammatory diseases. [44]
59. Do Desk-Friendly Exercises At Office
Long hours of sitting at the office can cause you backache, neck pain and other physical problems. Fitness can be achieved at any circumstance. Do desk-friendly exercises such as arm pulses, calf raises, neck roll and arm circles at frequent intervals. You can also walk to the office or park far from the office so that you can walk extra steps every day.
60. Do Your Own Household Chores
Doing household chores are the best ways to substitute workouts. They are as effective as cardio exercises. Household chores include washing clothes, sweeping, mopping the floor, cleaning utensils and many more. They help maintain a clean environment as well as burn a higher number of calories. [45]
61. Quit Smoking
Smoking is the most common cause of premature deaths worldwide. Quitting smoking or nicotine consumption mainly prevents the risk of lung and oral-related diseases. Stopping smoking at any age is beneficial. Though it requires a lot of self-resistance, the results are improved health and longer life. [46]
62. Talk To Others If You Feel Depressed For Longer
People often get confused with the terms ‘sadness’ and ‘depression’. The latter is a mental illness that can affect a person’s day-to-day activities. Depression can also interfere with your sleeping pattern, eating habits and mental abilities. Talk to others or consult a psychiatrist for early treatment.
63. Don’t Drink Alcohol Or Prefer Moderate Drinking
Moderate drinking or not drinking at all keeps us away from multiple diseases, especially those related to the heart. Heavy drinking can cause liver cirrhosis or alcoholic hepatitis. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee suggests less than one and two drinks/day for women and men respectively. However, the guidelines vary across the globe, depending on the health and age of a person. [47]
64. Reduce Belly Fat
A study suggests that reduction in belly fat is associated with a reduction in heart diseases. [48] Other risk factors of belly fat are insulin insensitivity (diabetes), hypertension and asthma.
65. Don’t Starve Yourself To Lose Weight
People often tend to starve themselves to lose weight, which is totally a bad idea. Starving puts the body into starvation mode in which it starts storing body fat. The metabolism of the body also goes down, so when you consume food later, instead of processing them, the body stores it which increases your body fat. Therefore, instead of starving, prefer eating fibre-rich foods and small meals 4-5 times a day.
66. Stay Active
Staying active is an important component for health promotion and prevention of diseases. Its benefits are more than just maintaining a healthy weight. A study shows that physical activity can reduce chances of stroke, diabetes, colon cancer, depression and metabolic syndrome and show positive impacts on sleep patterns and bone density. [49]
67. Wear Loose Ties
Tight neckties are linked to intraocular pressure (pressure to the inside of the eye). In healthy adults, it can increase the intraocular pressure; while in glaucoma patients, it can worsen the situation and cause difficulties in its management. [50]
68. Avoid Wearing Tight Clothes
Tight clothes cause multiple health problems. For example, tight pants can cause problems in digestion and numbness in the thigh areas while tight bras or shirts can cause pain in the chest region and difficulties in breathing.
69. Keep Two PairsOf Shoes
It is often suggested to keep at least two pairs of shoes or more. This is to maintain good foot hygiene, especially if you have sweaty feet. Sometimes, sweat accumulated in the shoes won’t get enough time to dry out which results in infections or smelly shoes. To prevent that, keep changing shoes on alternate days so that the other pair can get enough time to dry out.
70. Take A Warm Bath
Warm bath or hot shower has a soothing effect on the body. It relaxes the nervous system and improves blood supply across the body. Bathing in warm water also relieves flu symptoms, eases muscle ache and lowers blood pressure.
71. Go For Aromatherapy Or Body Massage
Aromatherapy and body massage are therapeutic or relaxation techniques in which essential oils or plant extracts are used to improve both psychological and physical well-being of a person. They help manage pain, stress, soreness and improve sleep quality. [51]
72. Never Miss Your Doctor’s Appointment
Routine checkups help us know more about our health. It helps prevent the risk of many diseases by detecting them at an early stage so that we can go for early treatment. Therefore, it is advised never to miss a doctor’s appointment as it helps increase your lifespan and promote good health.
73. Enjoy The Benefits Of Essential Oils
Essential oils are safe and effective and can be used in many ways. They are widely used in stress management and body relaxation. There are varieties of essential oils available such as lemon, lavender, peppermint, tea tree and rosemary. These oils are also added in multiple products like shampoos and mouthwash to get their benefits.
74. Fast Once A Week
Fasting once a week is efficient in reducing weight, if done with regulations. Fasting does not mean starving, but dividing hours of the day into the eating window (when you can eat any healthy foods) and fasting window (avoiding eating but can consume liquids). This promotes better health and makes the immune system stronger.
To Conclude
Simple health tips in life can make a big difference. These small habits help us live a healthy and longer life. Also, don’t forget that the best day to start a healthy life is today.