In a common bathroom, the toilet bowl alone contains 3.2 million bacteria. With bad habits, we can spread all these germs everywhere, even without realizing what we are doing. As a result, we may have skin with acne or stomach pain.

We are curious to know what mistakes we make every day in our bathroom and how we can escape them.

Unhealthy Bathroom Habits

8. Shaving Your Bikini Area

It is natural to have hair in our bikini area. First, they contain pheromones that attract the opposite sex. Second, they protect you from foreign bacteria.

Also, when we shave there, we can damage the skin a lot.

What we need to do:

  • If you want your body to be totally clean there, use special women’s shaving gear such as razor and shaving cream for intimate hygiene. Soap is not the most suitable solution, since the skin is very sensitive.
  • There are better ways to get rid of hair, like waxing, for example. If you are interested in alternative methods, like waxing, don’t do it yourself, find a specialist.

7. Using A Loofah

8 Bathroom Habits That May Lead To A Greater Health Issue

Using a loofah is only good when it’s new. Cleanses dead skin cells, which enter the sponge and remain there. Usually, when you’re done washing and scrubbing, leave the loofah in the bathroom. This is the perfect time for bacteria to grow.

Every time you leave the loofah after washing, the bacteria continue to grow. Then when you use it next time, the dirt will come back to your body.

What to do:

  • Replace it more often.
  • Let it dry and don’t leave it in the bathroom.
  • Use reusable items like cloths.
  • Don’t use loofah, but exfoliate your skin twice a week.

6. Missing Some Spots When Washing Your Body In The Shower

8 Bathroom Habits That May Lead To A Greater Health Issue

Your body is protected from bacteria and acne only when it is clean. And it should be totally clean. The area that we generally skip washing in the shower is the back, the scalp, the bottom of the feet, and behind the ears.

What to do:

Get special brushes for these pieces that remind you that you can’t skip washing them.

5. Leaving Your Toothbrush On The Counter

The bathroom is not the cleanest area of ​​the house and it is better not even to try to imagine how many bacteria live there. No one wants their toothbrushes to be attacked with germs, and many bathroom counters are located near a toilet, which makes it a risk zone.

What to do:

  • Find a safe place to keep the toothbrush away from the toilet.
  • Replace your toothbrush every 3 months.

4. Taking Gadgets Into The Bathroom

8 Bathroom Habits That May Lead To A Greater Health Issue
© This is 40 / Universal Pictures

Approximately 90% of people take their appliances to the bathroom. Yes, we clean our hands, but we don’t clean the phone after a while in the bathroom. After that, we can take our phone with us during lunch and put it on a table.

What to do:

If you are bored in the bathroom, keep a game there. For example, it could be a Rubik’s cube, but still, don’t forget to wash it.

3. Using A Towel For Your Face

Even if you have a special face towel, it can be very dangerous, especially for people with skin problems. Every time you use the same towel to dry your face and then leave it wet. This creates the perfect environment for the growth of bacteria.

What to do:

  • Use disposable towels. This will save your skin and you will not need to wash more towels.

2. Leave Wet Towels Hanging In The Bathroom

8 Bathroom Habits That May Lead To A Greater Health Issue

Moisture and bacteria make the bathroom the worst place to store the towel. It is not a good idea to hang it thereafter showering and drying.

What to do:

  • Take your wet towel and hang it in a cool, dry place, so that your next bath is not spoiled by the bad smell of a wet towel.
  • Change your towel every time you bathe.

1. Sitting In The Bathroom For More Than 15 Minutes

8 Bathroom Habits That May Lead To A Greater Health Issue
© Pulp Fiction / Miramax

Yes, sometimes we end up reading a book, playing games, or just sitting too much in the bathroom. According to the researchers, this is not healthy because the extra pressure in these veins produces hemorrhoids that can cause bleeding.

What to do:

  • You should use the bathroom only when there is a real need.
  • It is best not to carry gadgets or books to keep time, especially if you have hemorrhoids.

Did you find any useful information for you? What other bad habits in the bathroom could we practice without understanding that they are bad for us? Please share your comments below!

Source: crfatsides

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