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Beyond Love

oi-Prerna Aditi

on July 14, 2020

Do you feel that your man is losing interest in your relationship? Do you find him constantly trying to distance himself, instead of getting close to you? Does he avoid making any efforts to spend some quality time with you? We are sure that you will be trying your best to figure out what went wrong and why he is behaving in such an unusual way.

Well, you don’t have to worry as we are here to help you in figuring out the issue. Scroll down the article to read about the possible reasons.


1. He Wasn’t Interested In You From The Beginning

This could be one of the signs why your man is not interested in you. You may not have noticed if he was really interested in you since the beginning. It could be possible that he was just interested in the time being and not for a long relationship. He may not have wanted to be in a serious and long relationship with you.


2. There’s No Spark Left In Your Relationship

Do you no longer engage in doing something exciting and new in your relationship? There can be a time when couples become too comfortable with their daily routine and avoid doing something new. This can kill the spark in your relationship. If your relationship lacks the spark, then it is possible that your man may distance himself from you. He may find the relationship to be dull and boring. As a result, you may find him disinterested in you.


3. You Fought Badly Over Something

Did you fight over something in a nasty way? Did you argue with each other in an ugly way? And was there a blame game as well? Well, then it could be a reason why your man is no more interested in you. You may have hurt him to such an extent that took away his interest in you. If this is the reason then we would advise you to apologise to him and sort out the problem in a calm manner.


4. There’s Nothing Common Between You

It is not that you need to have many commonalities to have a happy and healthy relationship with each other. Often couples have many dissimilarities in their relationship and are still able to maintain a healthy bond. Acceptance can be the key to adjusting with your partner despite the dissimilarities. Instead of forcing your man to change his behaviour, you can try to explain why it is important to bring some positive changes.


5. There’s No Compatibility In Your Relationship

Compatibility is one of the factors that can help you in strengthening your relationship and retaining the interest of each other. If your man seems least interested in being with you, then it could be possible that you aren’t compatible with each other. Your man may feel least interested in you if there’s no compatibility in your relationship. Due to this, you may not find him being happy in the relationship.


6. He Has Found Someone Better Than You

So, if your man no more seems interested in you, then it can be possible that he has found someone better than you. He may have found someone who makes him feel happier and special. Instead of panicking and fuming, you can try to rejuvenate your love and relationship with your man. You can try to get along with your partner by doing things to make him feel loved and special.


7. You Have Extreme Expectations From Each Other

If you have too many expectations from your man, then this too could be one of the reasons why he is not that interested in you. Ask yourself, do you always pressurise him to be a macho man or want him to earn as much as your best friend’s husband? He could be tired of fulfilling your expectations. He may not feel happy in the relationship as all he does is fulfill your expectations and needs.


8. There’s Constant Dry Spell In Your Relationship

Often dry spells can harm your relationship in a way you have never thought of. If you and your man no more indulge in lovemaking, then this could also be a sign that he is not interested in you. It is understandable that there can be times when you may not feel like making love to your man due to various reasons. But you need to understand that physical relationships can strengthen your love and make things better.

You can never force anyone to be in love with you. Instead of forcing your man or having too many expectations from him, it is important to understand that a relationship can be happy if you are ready to adjust with each other. Make your man feel that you believe in him and are proud to have him the way he is. This way you will be able to bridge the gap in your relationship and have a relationship full of love.


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Story first published: Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 18:45 [IST]

Source: boldsky blog