Love And Romance
oi-Prerna Aditi
on February 23, 2021
Falling in love with your best friend can be a difficult thing. You fall in love with the one who’s close to you and knows you more than anyone else. It may make you feel happy and weird at the same time as you begin to see yourself as a couple. However, there could be times when you may not realise if you have fallen for your best friend. But there are a few signs that can help you in knowing if you are in love with him/her.
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Today we have listed a few signs that can help you know if you love your best friend. Read on.
1. You Always Prefer Them Over Other Friends
There could be times when you may find yourself doing things that you wouldn’t do for anyone else. In fact, you don’t mind going the extra mile to brighten up their day. You may give your best friend the top-most priority. This is because you are head over heels in love with your best friend.
2. You Care About Their Happiness More Than Any Other Thing
People often care about the happiness of those who are dear to them. They won’t mind sacrificing their comfort and happiness for the sake of their love interest’s happiness. Similarly, you may care about the happiness of your partner and ensure that their needs are fulfilled. This eventually shows that you are in love with your best friend.
3. You Get Jealous When Your Friend Mentions Someone Else
As soon as your best friend mentions or praises someone else, you may feel jealous. This is because you cannot picture someone else with your best friend. You may not find it good to see even if they talk to someone other than you. No matter what, you never feel comfortable seeing your best friend with someone else. Not only this, but you may also fear losing him/her.
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4. You Don’t Need A Reason To Meet This Friend
Being a best friend, you may often meet each other. But if you have reached a point where you do not need any reason or excuse to meet him/her, then this could be one of the signs that you have fallen for your best friend. You may love spending most of your time with your best friend. For example, you may go on a long walk or drive with them, play video games, spend an evening in the park or watch a movie. In fact, you may often come up with ideas to spend more and more time with your best friend.
5. You Often Dream Yourself With Your Best Friend
If you have already started picturing you and your best friend together, then this shows that you are falling in love with him/her. Your favourite movie scenes, romantic novels, characters, etc. may make you wonder how great it would be if both of you were together. There could be times when you may flirt with your best friend while giving him/her hints of being together.
6. You Share Your Happiness And Problems With Only This Person
There could be times when you may want to share your happy and sad moments first with your best friend. This is because you feel that he/she is the first person who deserves to know what you are going through. It would be no wrong to say that he/she is more like the shoulder you would want to cry on and the person you would love to share your happiness with.
7. You Find Their Presence Extremely Soothing
It is obvious for a person to consider the presence of their love interest to be quite soothing. As soon as you see your best friend, you may forget your pain and feel better. Even if you are extremely depressed or disturbed, you may feel better as soon as your best friend walks in. It would be no wrong to say that t this person is more like a therapist to you.
8. You Just Can’t Get This Person Out Of Your Mind
One of the other signs that you are in love with your best friend is that no matter what you do, he/she is always on your mind. Even if you try to involve yourself in other things, you may just not get him/her out of your mind. You will find yourself thinking about him/her every now and then. You may smile and cherish moments that you spend together.
9. You No Longer Find Your Hugs Platonic
Your casual embrace may feel warmer and intense than before. There could be times when you wouldn’t mind hugging each other for a little longer. You may also find tension and passion in their touch which your mind may try to avoid. However, your body language may not resist the closeness. You may fight inner battles to avoid the person while trying to stay close to them.
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Story first published: Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 19:14 [IST]
Source: boldsky blog