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Beyond Love

oi-Prerna Aditi

on December 7, 2020

No matter how truly you loved each other, there could be a time when you and your partner may not be able to stay together in the relationship. The reason could be varying such as day-to-day conflicts, never-ending arguments and disagreements. This can lead to a situation where you may think of ending the relationship. Even though you love each other like anything, you may not be able to stay together. Moving on after breaking ties with your partner in such a case may not be an easy thing to do.

However, you don’t have to lose hope. In order to help you in moving on when you still love your ex-partner, we have listed down some tips.


1. Accept The Fact That He/She Is Gone

Unless you don’t accept the fact that you are no more in the relationship with your partner, you may not be able to move on. If you and your ex-partner have reached a phase where nothing can fix your relationship, then it is better to accept the reality and move on. The best thing that you can do is stop living in denial and accept that he/she is no more coming back to you.


2. Cut All Contacts With Him/Her

If you are still sending texts and calling your ex-partner in a hope to restore your relationship, then you aren’t being generous to yourself. Let yourself heal by cutting off all the contacts with your ex-partner. Instead of hopelessly texting him/her and waiting for a reply, you should focus on yourself and things that are equally important for you.


3. Let Go Of His/Her Memories

Holding on to things that reming of him/her won’t help you in letting going of his/her memories. Instead you may feel more disgusted and resentful. Letting go of a person is not enough, you need to let go of that person’s memories as well. Reminiscing the good old days spent with your ex-partner won’t bring that person back into your life. For this, you can either try to return all your ex-partner belongings to him/her or you can pack them in a bag and keep it in a corner of your home.


4. Engage Yourself In Your Studies/Work

One of the most common reasons why people find it quite difficult to move on after their breakup is due to the fact that they aren’t engaged in some productive work. Instead of shedding tears and re-reading the old chats, you can focus on your studies and career. If you are student then you can think of giving more efforts in your studies and scoring good marks. Similarly, if you are a working professional, then you should work hard to achieve your goals.


5. Keep Yourself Busy In Productive Things

Apart from studying and working hard at your work place, you can also involve yourself in something meaningful and productive. For example, you can learn to cook, paint or drive. You can also visit shelter homes and volunteer at the same. This will help you in feeling better and positive. Eventually, you will be able to mov on even if you are deeply in love with that person.


6. Spend More Time With Your Family Members

It is obvious that after your breakup, you may feel lonely and depressed. In such a case spending time with your family members can prove to be quite helpful for you. Your family members’ love for you will eventually fill the void in your life and help you in feeling better. If you are staying away from your family then you can give them a call and have a nice conversation. We bet you, this will definitely help you in feeling better.


7. Share Your Thoughts With Your Friends

Your friends too can help you in moving on after your breakup. All you need to do is call them and share your feelings. If you have friends who genuinely care for you and are always concerned about your well-being then you don’t have to worry at all. After all, having someone who can listen to your agony and cries can be a therauptic thing to do.


8. Learn New Skills

Shedding tears and feeling miserable will never help you. So why not utilise this time in learning some new skills? Believe it or not, investing your time in learning something new will help you in moving on in your life and feeling better. Not only this, but you will be able to prevent yourself from developing hatred and disgust for your ex-partner. For this, you can learn anything such as a new software, trekking or some technologies that would help you in your career.


9. Avoid Feeling Bitter And Resentful

We understand that your painful breakup would have made you feel resentful and bitter. This is because you never thought your relationship will end in such a manner and you will lose the one you loved so truly. But feeling bitter and resentful won’t help you either. So what’t the point in feeling hearbroken and dejected? Instead, you need to love yourself and be generous towards yourself.

We understand that moving on after you have loved each other so deeply can be a difficult thing to do. But you can surely do the same with the help of the above-mentioned points. Apart from these, you need to remind yourself that the pain shouldn’t stop you from living your life. Life goes on and so you need to let go off in order to move on.


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Story first published: Monday, December 7, 2020, 18:01 [IST]

Source: boldsky blog