A blueberry juice is not only sweet, tasty and refreshing it is also believed to have metabolism boosting benefits.
Due to their high levels of anthocyanins, which is a health-boosting antioxidant, blueberries can help you lose weight while also being delicious at the same time.
The best homemade blueberry juice is to blitz them in a juicer or you can simmer the blueberries and then mash them with a back of the spoon to release their juices.
Blueberries are also low in calories and high in fibre, a key factor in weight loss and control.
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Berries are a good metabolism booster due to their fibre content.
Fibre speeds up the digestive process, according to a study at Kansas State University.
They are also rich in antioxidants so will provide your body with much more than just a metabolism boost.
Alternatively, you can add all of the ingredients above to make a tasty, healthy and metabolism boosting green juice that will provide your body with nutrients and vitam
Source: Daily Express | Diet