
oi-Shivangi Karn

on February 2, 2022

Where there is no wine there is no love – Euripides.

Drinks and appetisers often become an important part of any celebration. Well, with Valentine’s Day around, people may opt for alcoholic beverages to celebrate the day in a romantic, relaxing and enjoyable way.

Wine, could be a great start to Valentine’s eve. The drink can easily blend with the mood and ambience of the day and is also one of the healthiest and most popular drinks worldwide.

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But do you know how wine consumption is related to good human health? Yes, wine has head-to-toe health benefits due to the presence of polyphenols. In India, states like Maharashtra have even allowed the wine to be sold in supermarkets and grocery shops and Karnataka may start this model soon.

In this article, we will discuss some of the amazing health benefits of wine. Take a look. Also, remember that wine is good for health when consumed in small amounts – a larger amounts of wine for long terms can cause health complications, especially its dependency.

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How Much Wine Should One Consume?

According to a study published in the journal Molecules, a regular low to moderate dosage of wine intake should be 0.1 L per day for women and 0.2 L per day for men. [1]

Pregnant and breastfeeding women, in any case, should avoid the consumption of wine or any alcoholic beverages. Also, people with any pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes, liver diseases and hypertension must abstain from drinking wine, and consume it only after consulting a medical expert.

Health Benefits Of Wine

1. Good for heart health

Wine contains vital polyphenols like resveratrol, catechins and anthocyanins. They are antioxidants that may help prevent the risk of heart diseases by reducing free radical damage to the cells. It is also known to reduce the risk of blood pressure and blood clots or thrombi. [2] Wine is also known to improve heart functions and blood supply and reduce inflammation.

2. Helps in neuroprotection

As per a study, light to moderate wine or alcohol consumers are at reduced risk of age-related neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, compared to never drinkers or those who have abstained from drinking. Wine naturally contains resveratrol that has neuroprotective activities. It may help improve nerve functions and prevent the risk of the aforementioned diseases. [3]

3. Increases life expectancy

A study has shown that men who consume wine have 4.7 years longer life expectancy at age 50 compared to those who do not consume alcoholic beverages at all, and around 2.5 years longer life expectancy than those who consume other alcohols like spirits and beer. Polyphenols in wine reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, especially heart diseases and thus, increase life expectancy. [4]

4. Fights ageing problems

Wine consumption is related to an increase in the expression of genes that are associated with ageing like sirtuin and p53. Along with increasing life expectancy, wine may also help reduce ageing by fighting free radical damage to cells. Also, wine may help increase the expression of interleukin or immune cells that helps fight against infections and promote good health. [5]

5. Treats common cold

Wine, especially the red one, could help protect against the common cold, says a study. Common cold is a highly prevalent condition characterised by symptoms like runny nose, throat congestion, cough and headache. As wine is packed with flavonoids and micronutrients such as iron, manganese and potassium, it may help boost immunity and fight against common cold infections when consumed in small amounts. [6]

6. Improves cognitive function

A study talks about the improvement in cognitive functions due to wine-drinking experience, along with background music and ambient lighting. The study says that this not only helps in sensory modulation, but also improves the consumer mood and behaviour. This suggests that celebrating Valentine’s Day with a bit of wine and music can help enjoy the day in a healthy way, without affecting your decision-making abilities. [7]

7. Manages blood sugar

Diabetes is one of the top risk factors for heart diseases. A study has shown that resveratrol in wine can help reduce high glucose and high fat in the body and improve heart functions, which can further prevent the risk of diabetes. [8] Apart from that, many studies have also shown that regular red wine has reduced glucose levels and lower diabetes incidences compared to abstainers. [9]

8. Helps in weight management

Though alcohol consumption is not directly related to improved weight, many studies do say that a glass of red wine is associated with the improvement in cholesterol levels in the body. This is why wine is included in a Mediterranean diet, one of the best diet types that help people maintain a healthy weight. [10]

9. Reduces stress

Alcohol consumption influences stimulus such as stress response in many ways and may help cope with the situation well. Wine is a great stress-reliever that not only helps improve the mood, but also relax the muscle tension and reduce anxiety and tension. Though other methods like yoga and meditation are suggested best to reduce daily life stress, a bit of wine on some occasions may not do any harm and is sure to boost mental health in a healthy way. [11]

10. Has cancer-preventive properties

Studies say that polyphenols may help inhibit cancer development at different stages by blocking the initiation and progression of carcinogenesis. Wine contains a large number of essential polyphenols like resveratrol and flavonoids that have antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. These polyphenols act via estrogen receptors and reduce the proliferation of hormone-dependent cancers like breast cancer. [12]

To Conclude

Wine has a plethora of health benefits only if consumed in little amounts. Avoid its overconsumption and if you have any pre-existing condition, consult a medical expert before opting for wine or any alcoholic drinks.


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