The Visionary type kills on behalf of what they believe to be a commanding otherworldly entity. In other words, they’re “on a mission from God.” Killers within this demographic are typically disorganized in their actions and often suffer from psychosis, hearing voices that aren’t real, and/or experiencing vivid hallucinations (per Psychology Today). 

Hedonistic killers, This Interests Me reports, murder for the sake of personal pleasure with the subcategories that drive them to murder being “lust, thrill, or comfort.” It’s a primordial drive that incorporates certain fantasies, oftentimes chasing an adrenaline rush or intangible satisfaction — Jeffrey Dahmer is a prime example of a hedonistic killer. 

Power/Control killers like Ted Bundy seek to exhibit total control and dominance over their victims. Doing so is most likely a means to combat a feeling of powerlessness and inadequacy that the murderer feels, generally stemming back to childhood (per Psychology Today). 

Mission-oriented murderers, the fourth and final type, are out to “rid” society of a particular group and follow an internal paradigm that calls for only one effective solution: cold-blooded murder (via This Interests Me). 
