Cancer is a fast-spreading disease characterised by uncontrolled cell proliferation, which eventually leads to tumours. But not all cancers start off deadly; some growths are benign. When the tumours comprise malignant cells, however, they may spread to different body parts where they’re hard to contain. One popular food has been linked to a greater risk of the disease in some studies.

Stomach cancer – which causes difficulty swallowing, weight loss and indigestion – claims thousands of lives in the UK each year.

Causes of the disease include genetic and environmental factors, but dietary sources are coming into sharp focus for their role in cancer.

In one meta-analysis, published in the Chinese Medical Journal in 2017, researchers suggested chilli peppers may increase the risk of some cancers.

Capsaicin, the main active agent found in chillies and red peppers, is widely used across the globe.

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Evidence of the compound’s role in cancer is conflicting, as some studies have shown it can act both as a cancer preventer and tumour promoter.

The authors of the meta-analysis explained the study represented the most “comprehensive and up-to-date meta-analysis of the association between high spicy food intake and cancer risk”.

They added: “The results showed that a high level of spicy food intake was significantly associated with cancer risk, and the association was consistent in most subgroup analyses.

“We found no association in women, oesophageal cancer, or gallbladder cancer because of the limited numbers of such studies.


“Interestingly, in terms of cancer subtypes, high spicy food was only found to be associated with gastric [stomach] cancer.”

The findings were reinforced in a recent analysis conducted by the Hunan Normal University in China, which looked specifically at the relationship between child pepper consumption and stomach cancer.

The analysis involved the examination of 13 studies including 3,095 cases and 4,761 controls.

Results revealed that a moderate-high intake of hot chilli pepper was associated with a 1.96-fold increased risk of stomach cancers.

Further dose-response analysis suggested a significantly high-risk stomach cancer for those with high chilli consumption, but not for moderate consumption.

Chilli peppers have been shown to damage the colon mucosa when consumed in high quantities.

The authors of a paper published in the World Journal of Surgical Oncology explained: “Excessive consumption of chill peppers may irritate colonic mucosa.

“Ingestion of large amounts of capsaicin has been reported to cause […] biochemical changes, including erosion of gastric mucosa.

“The results of some studies suggest that intake of capsaicin may predispose to one or more forms of gastrointestinal cancer.”

Findings are conflicting, however, as other studies have suggested intake of capsaicin might reduce cancer risk.

Laboratory studies have even found the agent to interfere with the action of some carcinogens and inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells.

These anticancer effects have been deemed protect against pancreatic, colonic, liver, bladder skin and lung cancer.

Source: Daily Express

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