Ciara and Russell Wilson are expanding their charity brand with by getting into children’s literature. The celebrity couple recently sat down with PEOPLE to talk about their new book, Why Not You?.

Illustrated by Jessica Gibson, Why Not You? was written to further inspire children to pursue their dreams without the fear of not being good enough to accomplish their goals in life. The book specifically asks, “Why can’t you be the star?” as well as “Why can’t you change the world?”

Ciara and Russell Wilson delved into what motivated them to write a children’s book during their recent interview with PEOPLE.

“When Ciara and I first met, one of the first things we talked about is if we could do one thing, what would it be?” Russell recalled. “We talked about opening up a school. Well, we did that with the Why Not You Academy, and then we also talked about having a book, and so our goals and dreams are being accomplished as we speak,” the Seattle Seahawks player said.

Russell and Ciara hope their new children’s book inspires their kids as well as children outside of the Russell home. “They love reading,” Russell told PEOPLE when discussing the passion that his and Ciara’s children have for education. “I think Ciara is the queen of reading to our kids,” the NFL star added. “I’m pretty good, but they always want mama to read the most.”

Both Ciara and Russell Wilson took to Instagram on Tuesday (Mar. 1) to celebrate the debut of Why Not You?. “WHYNOTYOU? Is the attitude we want every child to have just like we did growing up,” Ciara said days before her and Russell’s book was released to the public. “@DangeRussWilson and I can’t wait for you and your families to share in this journey with us,” the ‘Beauty Marks’ singer told her Instagram supporters.

You can order your copy of Why Not You? where children’s books are sold!

Photo: Ciara/Instagram

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