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Love And Romance

oi-Prerna Aditi

on June 11, 2020

Does your (read: women) guy no longer give you full attention? Do you want to check whether or not he is serious for you? Do you want to play some tricks on your man to make him want you more? Well, then we are here to help you. Even if your man loves you dearly and is head over heels for you, there can be times when he may not give you his full attention and may ignore you unknowingly. In such cases, you can make him go crazy by playing some tricks. These tricks can make him jealous and want you more like never before.

Even if your man has distanced himself from you, he will come to you through these tricks. So, if you are eager to know what those tricks are through which you can play on your man, then scroll down the article to read more.

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1. Ignore His Texts And Calls

If you are willing to make him jealous and want you more, then try to ignore his texts and calls. You can show him that you are not available to him. The moment he texts, you don’t have to reply to him immediately. Keep it on hold for an hour or two. You can also stay online and yet not reply to his text messages. If you wish, you can leave the messages unseen. You can do the same for his calls. Ignore his calls once or twice or tell him that you are quite busy and therefore, can’t talk to him.


2. Have Fun With Your Friends

You can make some plans to have fun with your friends to make your guy feel jealous. While you are ignoring his calls and texts, you can invite your friends to your place and have fun with them. This will definitely make your man think why your behaviour has changed. You can show him that you are having a gala time with your friends. He may wonder why didn’t you respond to his calls and messages and why did you invite your friends. You can also go out with your friends and click loads of pictures. Once you get back home, you can show these pictures to your guy and tell him how much you enjoyed it with your friends.


3. Mention Other Guys

No man on the earth would fancy listening to another guy’s name from their girlfriend’s mouth. So, if you want to make him jealous and draw his entire attention towards you, then you can talk about other guys. You can laugh at other men’s jokes and funny talks. You can also talk about some of his friends and mention how great they look. We bet you, your man will get super jealous and will try his best to make you feel loved and special.


4. Appreciate His Friends

This would definitely make your guy jealous and he will do anything to win you back. All you need to do is just compliment some of his friends in front of him. You can compliment them for their muscles, voice, hard work or the way they show love to their girls. As soon as you say so, your man will definitely get jealous and he may seem uncomfortable. Your man will all of sudden want to know why you praised his friends and whether he is not enough for you.


5. Plan A Vacation Trip With Your Friends

If your man has been ignoring you or doesn’t give you enough attention, then this trick could be your saviour. You can make him go crazy by planning a trip with your friends and not discussing it with him. You can just pack your bags and let him know that you are going on a trip with your friends. Your man will take it as a shock as you didn’t mention your plan of going on a trip and thus he may feel jealous of your friends.


6. Don’t Let Him Know Your Whereabouts

If you have been letting him know all your whereabouts, then you need to stop it for a few days. You just have to be a bit mysterious for a few days and see how your man reacts to it. At first, he may try to show that he isn’t bothered to see you like this but then he may explode and try his best to know why you are behaving like this. He may want to know what went wrong that you aren’t telling your whereabouts to him. Also, he will try his best to draw your attention.


7. Hangout With Your Guy Friends

When you are willing to play some tricks with your man, then why don’t you hang out with your male friends? You can make some plans for the same with your male colleagues and friends. While you are with your male friends, you can click some pictures and later upload them on social media. This will definitely make your man jealous and he would do anything to win you back. You can also go to a club and try to talk with other men. In case, if somebody asks you for a dance, then go can for the same.


8. Mention About Your Ex

You can also think of mentioning your ex-boyfriend while you are with your man. For example, you can talk about the things that your ex used to do to make you happy and feel special. In simple words, you can reminisce about some good moments spent with your boyfriend. We are sure that your man will get super jealous and he will give his best to make you forget your ex. He will also think of why on the earth you were reminded of your ex after all this time.


9. Avoid Giving Him Your Attention

So, if you want to make your man jealous, then you need to avoid giving him your attention. All you need to do is focus on your work and show him that you are quite busy. You can also avoid asking his whereabouts and show little to no interest in his work and life. Your man would definitely go crazy for not having your attention.

10 Weird Things That Your Man May Do To Make You Feel Jealous

While you are doing these things, make sure you do not take it to an extreme level. Else this may ruin your love life completely. You can do this for just a few days but again try not to be extreme.


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Story first published: Thursday, June 11, 2020, 15:45 [IST]

Source: boldsky blog