I reported earlier how Kamala Harris had the tenth top staffer announce she would be heading for the door. This time it was Harris’ National Security Adviser Nancy McEldowney — one of the people who has probably had the most experience, with 31 years in foreign service.
That followed some bad foreign policy gaffes from Harris including laughing when asked about Ukrainian refugees, then making a statement followed up by a tweet that seemed to indicate she thought Ukraine was a part of NATO — a significant faux pas that could have caused significant issues given the war in Ukraine. The White House changed the transcript of what she actually said to cover her mistake.
Part of Harris’ problem with speaking is that — like Biden — she often seems not to know what she’s trying to say. Biden has various tells when he gets lost — he says things like “Oh, I’ve been going on too long,” and then tries to talk about something else. Like Biden, Harris tries to fill in the time — but she fills it in with word salad, often saying the same thing or a version of the same thing over and over.
On Monday, Kamala Harris was speaking in Sunset, Louisiana and she wanted to impress upon us the significance of the “passage of time.” Again and again and again. Now, this was a word salad of word salads.
Kamala Harris really wants to convey that she understands the significance of the passage of time. pic.twitter.com/16hpuqFcwt
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) March 21, 2022
“The governor and I, we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time, right?” Harris said. “The significance of the passage of time, so when you think about it there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires, what we need to do to create these jobs. There is such great significance to the passage of time when you think of a day in the life of our children.”
Did you get that there’s a significance to the passage of time? And I love the head shakes in the middle and at the end for emphasis, as though to say the nonsense she’s spouting right now is just so important, you have to get it, don’t you?
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Is this why so many of her comms team have beat it on out of there — because there’s only so much you can do when faced with this kind of an issue? It’s like she was given the 500-word essay to write and she’s stretching and using the same word over and over to meet the word requirement.
But every time I listen to her like this — and take that passage of time — I feel like I come out on the other end the worse for it. And this person is the back-up to someone who is even more incoherent.
Today is Monday. That means tomorrow will be Tuesday. Tuesday comes after Monday. So basically, Monday comes before Tuesday. https://t.co/KQmxKntxLg
— Washington State GOP (@WAGOP) March 21, 2022
I refuse to rule out the possibility that this is all an act and that she’s playing an elaborate joke on us. https://t.co/BzoK7AUNE6
— John Daniel Davidson (@johnddavidson) March 21, 2022
Unfortunately, it’s not a joke.