If you were invited to a social function but were told upfront that you would be treated differently than the other guests, would you go? That is a question some congressional spouses are facing upon receiving an invitation from Jill Biden. She is hosting a reception at the White House for congressional spouses and there are some special rules for unvaccinated guests.

Erika Donalds, the wife of freshman Florida Congressman Byron Donalds, tweeted that while it is nice that Jill will host this reception (which is a traditional kind of event hosted by first ladies), she showed some surprise about some restrictions being placed on unvaccinated guests. Mrs. Donalds is not vaccinated for COVID-19 because she says she has natural immunity.

“First Lady Jill Biden was kind enough to invite me & the other Congressional spouses to a reception at the White House,” Mrs. Donalds tweeted. “I just have to take a COVID test, & as an unvaccinated person (with natural immunity) I won’t be allowed to eat, drink, or talk to anyone. Should be a blast!”

She included a screenshot of “mask guidance”.

“Fully vaccinated guests are not required to wear a mask on the White House grounds. Guests who are not fully vaccinated must wear a mask at all times, including abstaining from eating or drinking, and maintain at least 6 feet distance from others while on the White House grounds.”

So, as Erika points out, she can go after taking a COVID test, which is not an unusual request, but once in the reception, she won’t be allowed to eat, drink, or speak with other guests. What is she going to do, yell to someone six feet away as she stands alone? It’s common for those entering the White House and other venues to be required to prove they test negative for COVID. It’s not so common that once a person tests negative and is granted admission, the person is restricted from fully participating in the event.

We see the obsession with face masks coming from Jill and her husband, though they don’t follow common sense. How many times have we seen Jill and Joe masked up to walk outdoors, not another soul in sight? How about when Jill is wearing a mask but Joe, who is walking next to her, often holding her hand, is not wearing one? And, if we are to follow the science, we know that cloth face masks are worthless, providing very little if any protection. Why have guests wear masks unless they are N90 or stronger in protection? The removing of masks to eat or drink shows the absurdity of the mandate.

Sure, Joe and Jill are elderly and in the age bracket that puts them at high risk but they are fully vaccinated and boosted. The vaccines have proven to be ineffective in stopping the spread of the virus but they do help in the severity of cases and with lowering the number of hospitalizations and deaths. Will Jill have a receiving line? Will she shake hands with guests? If so, she better wear gloves, I guess.

This is Jill being Jill – a partisan who assumes her Republican guests will be unvaccinated, thus they must be shamed.

Just a few days ago, the White House announced its 2022 tour schedule. The rules are less stringent for public tours than they are for Jill’s private event guests. Face masks, for example, are not mandatory, even for the unvaxxed.

“The White House will continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation with guidance based on recommendations from the CDC, and other public health officials and medical experts, and reserves the right to adjust availability of the public tours as necessary to adhere to the latest health guidance,” the website read.

“Within the 10 days prior to the public tour, anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19, has had any COVID-19 symptoms, or been in close contact with someone confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19, should stay home,” it continued. “Face masks will be available when entering the White House complex for those who choose to wear them.”

People who choose not to get COVID vaccinations understand that there are consequences from that choice. However, a person who tests negative for COVID prior to a social function and has natural immunity due to having lived through a COVID infection should not be shamed by virtue-signaling political opponents. Where’s all that unity and kindness that Jill is always preaching? She’s as big a phony as her husband.
