Republicans on the House Oversight Committee wrote to Dana Remus, the counsel to President Biden, and David Ferriero, the head archivist at the National Archives and Records Administration. The pair of letters was a request for any correspondence between Hunter Biden and the Obama and Biden administrations. The Republicans who signed the letters intend to show the connection between Joe Biden and his son’s corrupt money making deals.

Biden, Inc. is definitely under the microscope. It can be argued that all of this attention from members of Congress would have been nice about two years ago, especially when the New York Post broke the story about the damning emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop computer. The revelation was very close to the 2020 presidential election so the media and the Biden campaign quickly came together and colluded to squash the story. They labeled it Russian disinformation. No journalist wants to be seen as pushing Russian disinformation so that was the Democrat talking point.

The Russian government announced sanctions on Biden, members of the Biden administration, Hillary Clinton, and Hunter Biden. The question is, why is the Russian government including Hunter in a group of Democrat officials? Hunter isn’t a member of Biden’s administration. He is the president’s son, though, and the point of the request for information is meant to prove a connection between father and son as Hunter makes some sketchy deals overseas, in particular Ukraine and China. Hunter uses his close proximity to his father for his own benefit, we know that, but one of the email discoveries was that Hunter freely admitted that “The Big Guy” always gets 10% and that father and son were sharing a joint bank account.

It is not unusual for a son or daughter to have access to an elderly parent’s bank account if they are that parent’s caregiver. That wasn’t the case here. While Hunter complained about paying utility bills and mortgage payments for Joe, there wasn’t any indication that he was officially in the role of being responsible for making sure all of the elder Biden’s bills were paid. Like most things we have learned about the dealings of Biden, Inc., it all sounds fishy.

Is Joe Biden compromised by Hunter’s overseas business deals? That is what Republicans want to know. Is that why Putin randomly included Hunter when he issued sanctions against the other Democrats? They are particularly curious about a payment of $3.5M to Hunter or his company from the former wife of the Mayor of Moscow.

On March 15, 2022, the Russian government announced sanctions on President Biden, members of the Biden Administration, Hillary Clinton, and the President’s son, Hunter Biden.1 While “it’s unlikely many top Democratic officials will be affected by those measures[,]”2 it is the inclusion of Hunter Biden— “Democratic official”—that raises serious questions. The nation’s adversaries apparently see the President’s son as a pressure point to exploit. Additionally, his inclusion on the list is the latest evidence that Hunter Biden has in business schemes with our adversaries. Therefore, we request information the White House Counsel’s Office (WHCO) possesses regarding Hunter Biden’s dealings in Russia and Ukraine.

The Russian government’s sanctioning of Hunter Biden and, notably, none of the other Biden children, raises questions about his connections to Russia. The payment of $3.5 million to Hunter Biden or a company associated with him by Elena Baturina, a Russian businesswoman and former wife of former Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, has raised the attention of the United States Senate and demonstrates Hunter Biden’s previous dealings with the Russian political class.3 Hunter Biden’s connections throughout the Russian sphere of influence become especially relevant in the fast-moving and developing Russian war in Ukraine. If the Russian government is attempting to influence American policy in Ukraine by exploiting Hunter Biden’s connection with his father—the President of the United States—the American people deserve to know it.

The Republicans go on to say that they have previously written to Joe Biden’s lawyer and the head archivist at the National Archives and Records Administration with requests for documents because of a concern about how the Biden family profits off of Joe’s name and position, particularly Hunter. The lawmakers mention Hunter’s dealings with Burisma in Ukraine and his obvious lack of qualifications to be an energy consultant and board member for his $1M a year salary. There are also plenty of questions about Hunter’s dealings in China. Earlier this week, Senators Grassley and Johnson produced evidence of payments made to Hunter by communist Chinese officials with ties to the government. The senators delivered speeches on the Senate floor about their investigation and the report that was written but never paid much attention to when it was released in 2020. Now that liberal outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post are confirming the emails as legitimate, there is suddenly some interest in the findings of the senators. They promise to release more in the days to come.

Rep. James Comer (R-KY) is the ranking member on the Oversight Committee. He and other Republicans on the committee sent the request for information because of the history the Biden family has for using Joe’s political career for personal financial gain.

‘Hunter Biden’s connections throughout the Russian sphere of influence have now become especially relevant in the fast-moving and developing Russian war in Ukraine. If the Russian government is attempting to influence American policy in Ukraine by exploiting Hunter Biden’s connection with his father—the President of the United States—the American people deserve to know it.’

Comey released a statement on the request.

“The days of Hunter Biden using his father to line his own pockets are numbered. For years, concerns over Hunter’s shady foreign business dealings and the possibility he’s selling access to the President of the United States have been inexcusably ignored by Congressional Democrats,” Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the ranking Republican on the committee, said in a statement to The Post.

The wheeling and dealing by Biden, Inc. is something that should concern every American. It deserves the attention of Congress, especially with Joe in the White House. It’s time to hold them accountable. No one should believe Joe Biden when he says he has never spoken with his son about his business dealings. The emails show that to be a lie. Joe has some ‘splainin’ to do.
