As I’ve noted before, though the performances of Vice Presidents typically don’t influence voter decisions much as it relates to down-ballot candidates, this time around it might be a little different because the Biden White House has had Kamala Harris out front and center considerably more so than you normally see VPs in their first year in office because she’s a “historic first” and all and because of that, they want wokesters to believe they trust Harris to get the job done.

Unfortunately for Joe Biden, trotting out Kamala Harris to score “woke” points has backfired in more ways than one. In nearly every public appearance she makes – whether it’s in a sit-down interview, a White House event, a DNC campaign or fundraising gathering, or on an international stage with world leaders – Harris looks like she’s just winging it, and in the process ends up embarrassing not just herself but the country she represents.

I read the Politico Playbook report from over the weekend – which my RedState colleague Bonchie recapped here – on how Kamala Harris’ team believes she’s supposedly “really hit a stride” when it comes to the way she’s done interviews over the last several months. As a refresher, here’s what they wrote:

And despite some of Harris’ sit-down interviews causing a kerfuffle in the past (see: her chat last year with NBC’s LESTER HOLT, where her comments about visiting the border provided fodder for weeks of coverage), her team feels that over the last few months, she’s really hit a stride in interviews: get some moments that are memorable, but don’t cause days of dissection.

After seeing that, I was left with the impression that these people must live in Fantasy Land because even the most rabidly left-wing of political observers should be able to see that she’s been an absolute disaster.

It doesn’t matter what she does, whether it’s a speech or an interview, or an assignment she’s been given by Joe Biden – like handling the “root causes” of the border crisis, she manages to bungle it. Almost as bad as that are the inevitable anonymously sourced stories we read about how she and her team are reportedly disgruntled over what they see as the disrespectful treatment they get from Biden’s staff as though they are to blame for Harris’ multitude of PR woes.

Let’s state again for the record that the vast majority of Kamala Harris’ political problems are of the self-inflicted variety. From the start of her career, Kamala Harris has consistently been her own worst enemy and she will be as long as she’s in the public eye. This is what happens when one’s career starts off the way Harris’ did. You begin to expect to be given preferential treatment as you climb the ladder and treated to fawning interviews in the press because of “who you are” and what you supposedly represent from a “historical” perspective.

Prior reports get to what I believe is at the heart of why Kamala Harris is so bad at what she does as former staffers painted her as a woman who leaves the important details of any assignment to staffers, while Kamala Harris herself goes before the cameras to bask in all the glory of her status and position and pretends like she knows what she’s talking about.

Then when things end up falling apart, she blames everyone around her, most often her staff. As the Washington Post reported in December:

Staffers who worked for Harris before she was vice president said one consistent problem was that Harris would refuse to wade into briefing materials prepared by staff members, then berate employees when she appeared unprepared.

“It’s clear that you’re not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work,” one former staffer said. “With Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence. So you’re constantly sort of propping up a bully and it’s not really clear why.”

Unprepared, lacks authenticity, wants to take all the credit but none of the responsibility that goes along with it when the going gets tough, yep, that’s Kamala Harris. And nope, that has nothing to do whatsoever with the rumored infighting going on between the Harris and Biden camps. The “stride” Harris has hit is not in “great interviews” that are anything but. The stride is that she’s just a consistently terrible politician, and that is an inconvenient fact that is unlikely to change.

Flashback: As Kamala’s Failure Pile Gets Bigger, More Lame Excuses Get Dropped
