Disney has definitely fallen leftward and in a bad way. Lately, it’s shamelessly embraced radical leftist talking points, including making it clear that it is in direct opposition to the new Florida law that prohibits sexuality and sexualization from being taught to children K-3.

The pressure seems to be coming from its woke employees who have created an environment of fear amongst those who work there. For a time it was unclear if Disney brass actually felt the same way or if they were just pressured to act. Now we see that they’re apparently birds of a feather with their new choice in spokesperson.

According to a Walt Disney Co. post on their website, the corporation has brought on longtime Democrat operative Kristina Schake to be their Executive Vice President of Global Communications. Disney proudly listed her work within the Democrat Party including her recent work for the Biden administration and previous work within the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign:

Schake has spent three decades working at the nexus of government, media, business, entertainment, and technology. Most recently, she was appointed by President Biden to lead the nationwide COVID-19 vaccine education campaign and was previously Global Communications Director for Instagram. Schake was Deputy Communications Director for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and served in the Obama administration as Special Assistant to the President and Communications Director to the First Lady.

“I could not be more pleased to welcome Kristina to Disney and to have her leading communications for the company,” said Chief Corporate Affairs Officer Geoff Morrell. “Her experience in the public and private sectors, in political and corporate campaigns, make her ideally suited for this important role and to help me integrate communications with government relations, public policy, and corporate social responsibility into a new Corporate Affairs team. Together with the exceptional professionals at Disney, we will help the world’s greatest storytelling company engage even more effectively with our many stakeholders around the world.”

The “social responsibility” line is clearly troubling, especially considering both the Democrat Party’s fight against a bill that effectively prohibits the sexualized grooming of children and its attempts to make Florida Republicans, especially Governor Ron DeSantis as anti-LGBT by calling it the “Don’t Say Gay Bill.”

This is a wholly disingenuous take on the law as it doesn’t even mention the term “gay” one time. It’s highly likely that Disney executives know this as the bill is not a complicated read at only seven pages long and clearly defined rules. The fact that they’ve continued to sell this idea of Florida engaging in out-of-control homophobia and its hiring of a legacy Democrat Party communications director proves that it’s going all-in on the Democrat Party agenda.
