Not everyone has a lightbulb moment when it comes to losing weight. For Paul, however, a conversation with his doctor resulted in the decision to change his lifestyle for good. At his heaviest, Paul was 13.6 stone (86.4kg), with 33 percent body fat, and blood results that indicated he had “developed a non-alcoholic fatty liver”, which could’ve “progressed to end-stage liver disease” if he “didn’t take action”. Frankly, Paul was “heading for an early grave”. So how did Paul lose 3.2 stone? Over six months, investing just 90 hours of his time to train three times a week, Paul underwent a staggering transformation with the help of Ultimate Performance

Speaking about his health before embarking on a weight loss journey, Paul said: “I had no energy and my health was adversely affecting every aspect of my life, including my work. I was struggling to focus on the simplest tasks and even getting out of bed was a chore some days.

“I was at the heaviest I have ever been, with high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

“My body fat was 33 percent, my BMI was 29, my waist was 42 inches… I’m only 5ft 8in.” 

He continued: “My height-to-waist ratio was very high at 0.63, which was an indicator of centralised obesity and associated cardiometabolic risk. That’s what my doctor told me, along with the somewhat sobering news that my QRISK score was greater than 20 percent.

“To put that into context, she told me that in a crowd of 100 people with the same risk factors as me, 20 are likely to have a heart attack or stroke within the next 10 years. 

“And my follow up blood results indicated that I had developed a non-alcoholic fatty liver, which can progress to end-stage liver disease if I didn’t take action.” 

READ MORE: Weight loss: How to burn more calories when resting

Paul carpenter ultimate performance weight loss

Man who was ‘heading for early grave’ shed 3.2st in 6mths – ‘Swapped spare tyre for abs!’ (Image: PAUL)

So why did he choose Ultimate Performance to help him transform his body and health?

“Besides the doctor’s results, I’d gone shopping to get some new clothes,” Paul explained. “Because I needed larger ones and I thought it might cheer me up. 

“I caught sight of my back in a full length mirror while shopping. It was the first time since lock down that I’d been in a fitting room. 

“I knew the weight had crept on, but nothing had prepared me for that. I was mortified. Disgusted.

“It really dawned on me there and then that I was heading for an early grave. I knew I had to get professional help. It was literally a life or death decision to contact to U.P,” he remarked. 

“I researched a lot of companies offering a similar service, but it was the client testimonials on U.P.’s website that convinced me to get in touch. 

“People my age and in my condition that had achieved life-changing transformation results.

“Their track record told me all I needed to know.

“And if I needed any more convincing, I got it when I contacted them. They made it very clear that I would need to put the effort in. Their reputation was on the line. It was a two-way selection process. I had to convince them that I was prepared to work hard and promise to follow their guidance. That was refreshing.” 

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In terms of what programme Paul followed, he explained: “I signed up for U.P.’s transformation programme, which is designed to deliver maximum results in minimum time. 

“Ciaran [personal trainer] helped me define my goals and created a bespoke training and nutrition plan. 

“Training consisted of just three hours in the gym each week working under his close supervision and guidance. Every rep, every set controlled and executed to his satisfaction. Get it wrong, he made me do it again. At no point did it become comfortable. It wasn’t designed to be. But I did feel great when I finished each session. I was knackered but euphoric that I had given it my all and some. 

“The programme Ciaran designed mainly consisted of full body workouts and included a lot of compound exercises to improve my strength. 

“He also encouraged me to do some cardio exercises on two or three days that I wasn’t in the gym to help with the fat loss and my general fitness levels. 

“As I got leaner and my priorities changed, so did the programme, now we were building muscle tone,” he said. 

What about a diet? Did Paul eat within a calorie deficit, or ban alcohol? 

Paul revealed: “I was upfront with Ciaran, that I needed a nutrition plan that involved as little meal preparation as possible. I didn’t want making meals to be a barrier or an excuse for not achieving my goals.

Paul carpenter ultimate performance weight loss

Paul with his personal trainer Ciaran (Image: PAUL)

“I looked at various meal prep companies and decided to go with EatUP’s Transform Package, which provided a selection of breakfasts, lunch and evening meals seven days a week for a 12 week period.

“Ciaran helped me select the right balance of meals, high in protein, plenty of vegetables and moderate fats, taking into account the bespoke macronutrient profile he designed for me.

“Having decided to commit myself to the 12-week transformation programme, it was a no brainer to give up alcohol for a few months too. I wanted to see what I could achieve if I gave it everything, I didn’t want any regrets or thinking what if I had only given it bit more effort.

“Ciaran also helped me understand the importance of drinking three to four litres of water a day and how the amount of coffee I was having was negatively affecting my health. 

“What that guy doesn’t know, it certainly has been an education. I drink even more water on training days and I’ve drastically reduced the cups of coffee I consume. And in doing so, I’m savouring it more too, so it’s a win-win.” 

As for how Paul feels now, 3.2 stone light, he said he is “in the best shape of my life”. 

“I have never felt or looked so good.

“When I look at the progress photos I can’t believe it’s me. I’ve gone from obese to muscular. Where I had a spare tyre I now have abs. And a healthy BMI and height-to-waist ratio. 

“For the first time in my adult life I have had to buy jeans with a smaller waist than inside leg. I can’t help but smile when I tell people.

“But it’s got to be the transformation in my back that’s most noticeable,” he commented. “When I look at the before and after photos I keep thinking about catching sight of myself in the changing room mirror. It’s those photos that I show people most. Makes be proud.

“I’ve now come off all my prescribed medication and a recent liver ultrasound scan shows that I have lost the ‘hidden’ visceral fat wrapped around my liver. It was stressful waiting on the results, but what a relief, a sure sign I’m much healthier now.

“Regarding my mental wellbeing, I have come full circle. Loathing has been replaced with self-esteem. I generally feel more engaged with everything. I’m more focused in work, which was a major concern. I’m just generally feeling happy with my lot. 

“I have even volunteered to be a mentor in work. I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing that before. Who wants someone that looked like me mentoring them. But I now feel more confident and passionate about everything so I want to do it.”

Paul also gave some adivce for anyone in a similar situation to what he was. 

He said: “Stop thinking so much about why you can’t do it. Instead, just go for it. Take inspiration from others like I did. Look at their before and after photos and read about their journeys. 

“When Ciaran first asked me to name someone that I aspired to be like when we were planning my goals, it wasn’t a famous actor or athlete I picked, it was people my age or older on UP’s website who had transformed their lives.

“And the best advice would be to get yourself a good Personal Trainer like Ciaran. I wouldn’t be writing this article without his help and support. I honestly believe he saved my life. 

“It’s not just about being stronger and fitter at the end of my transformation programme. Ciaran’s helped me understand the science behind food and exercise. And I think that’s what’s gonna sustain me going forward. 

“I was nervous at the beginning, how would I cope once I was left to my own devices. Would my old eating habits creep back in. I didn’t have a clue about the different kinds of nutrients in food. Hadn’t give them a second thought. I was aware of recommended calorie limits, but that’s about it. He’s given me all the tools I need. I am in control now. And that’s a great feeling.” 

Source: Daily Express | Diet