“It’s ok to snack, but we do need to pick the right foods to snack,” she said.
“There are so many processed, salty and sugary foods.
“And ideal snack is something like nuts – they’re really high in healthy fats, high in fibre and protein – everything to help stabalise blood sugars so you don’t get these massive cravings.
“And to help you feel fuller for longer.”
Some studies have suggested “little and often”, four to five small meals a day can help with weight loss.
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Dr Sara said: “It really depends on you as a person and also what you’re eating.
“For some people, grazing works, for others they need that strucure in their day otherwise they end up grazing too much.
“Some people find they respond better to a bit of fasting between meals.
“But if you’re feeling hungry and your option is to gorge on other foods or have a small snack, then have a snack and make sure it’s a good one for you.”
Source: Daily Express | Diet