The former president and his vice-president provided a joint message on the day after a mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas – remember George Floyd. The two most prominent Democrats in the country stepped over the dead bodies of at least 19 children and two teachers to recognize the second anniversary of the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. It is hard to imagine a more tone deaf response.

We expect more from our presidents, past and present. Joe Biden delivered a horrendous speech on Tuesday night, hours after the unspeakable happened – again. He began his speech in the mode of comforter-in-chief, as was his task at hand. Then he veered off into selfishly injecting himself into it, though as a father who has buried two children, he could have done so in a comforting way. Instead of offering hope to grieving parents and the community, he spoke about the depths of grief. Then he turned into angry old man Joe and raised his voice against Republicans, further dividing the country he pledged to unify.

On Wednesday, Joe Biden signed an executive order to reform federal police practices and establish a national database of police misconduct. This was on the day of the second anniversary of George Floyd’s death. George Floyd has been elevated to sainthood by some and Joe Biden has bent over backwards to appease the far left and their anti-police measures all in the name of racial justice. You can believe that better police training and some reforms should be made without turning a convicted felon (aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon) who was high on fentanyl and passing counterfeit money at a grocery store into an angelic celebrity. The “gentle giant”, as he’s described, was 6’7″, a large man.

Floyd’s family was in attendance at the White House signing ceremony, as were numerous lawmakers ready for their close-up.

“This executive order is going to deliver the most significant police reform in decades. It applies directly, under law, to only 100,000 federal law enforcement officers, all the federal law enforcement officers. And through federal incentives and best practices that are attached to it, we expect the order to have significant impact on state and local law enforcement agencies as well,” he said.

In his own words, Biden admits it only applies to federal law enforcement. Floyd died at the hands of Minneapolis police, though. There’s a disconnect but the executive order was used to show Biden’s “doing something”. Biden, the man who promised he knew how to unify the country, blamed Republicans for his inability to get legislation passed in the Senate.

The president faulted Senate Republicans for blocking the House-passed bill, known as the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, and said the executive order “reflects inputs from a broad coalition represented here today,” including several law enforcement organizations.

“I know progress can be slow and frustrating and there’s a concern that the reckoning on race inspired two years ago is beginning to fade,” Mr. Biden said. “But acting today, we’re showing what our dear friend, the late John Lewis, congressman, wrote in his final words after his final march for justice in July 2020 — he said, ‘Democracy is not a state. It is an act.’”

The families of Floyd and Breonna Taylor, who was killed in 2020 by officers executing a “no-knock” warrant in an apartment in Louisville, Kentucky, were present at Wednesday’s signing ceremony in the East Room of the White House.

The executive order directs the attorney general to create a new National Law Enforcement Accountability Database, with all federal law enforcement agencies — such as the FBI, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Secret Service and Customs and Border Protection — required to participate. The database will include records of officers convicted of crimes, firings and “sustained complaints or records of disciplinary actions for serious misconduct,” among other issues, and will be available to state and local agencies.

On Tuesday night, Barack Obama tweeted his sympathy to the families of those children and teachers who died, along with a call to action to do something, anything. As a former president, he should be better at realizing that just a few hours after a mass shooting, he should have just offered his sympathy and left out the politics. But, no. That’s not how we do things these days. By Wednesday, he tweeted an acknowledgement of the grief felt in Uvalde and inserted George Floyd into the mix. Because, of course he did.

Never let a crisis go to waste, nor a call for political activism.

What both Biden and Obama should have said was something along the lines of what Texas Governor Greg Abbott said during his press conference on Wednesday. I have watched and listened to too many speeches and press conferences to count with Governor Abbott and I have never heard a better speech delivered by him. He showed more emotion than he usually does but that’s to be expected. He showed compassion and clearly kept the focus on the young lives lost. He also focused on the actions of law enforcement. Biden and Obama are usually quick to criticize law enforcement but Abbott expressed gratitude. Many elected officials and members of law enforcement agencies were with him on the stage in the auditorium in Uvalde as he delivered his remarks. They also made remarks and provided updates. Abbott rose to the occasion and delivered compassion and facts. Biden did not do that Tuesday night, nor did he do it Wednesday afternoon. He does not rise to the occasion. We deserve better. Those little children who died in their classroom deserved better.
