It isn’t just Senator John Cornyn who has a story of facing heat from grassroots activists at the Republican Party of Texas convention in Houston. Rep. Dan Crenshaw and Senator Ted Cruz were confronted by a delegate who is also a podcaster and conspiracy theorist. He caused scenes by confronting both politicians and posting his actions online.
The Republicans who attend the state convention are the most active in party politics. Many are the most conservative of the party. Senator Cornyn, for example, is often booed by his critics in the party at conventions but this year’s response was magnified because of his involvement in cobbling together gun law reform, at the request of Mitch McConnell. Democrats and their cohorts in the media enjoyed reporting on his reception from some delegates as he tried to speak. Cornyn isn’t up for re-election this cycle. You may also notice that Senator Mike Lee, for example, is making hay of Cornyn’s efforts and enjoying time on Fox News Channel as he criticizes those efforts. Republicans are well experienced in circular firing squads.
On Saturday, a podcaster walked up to Crenshaw and his staff around him and began shouting at him. Public figures are used to this behavior. Crenshaw kept walking. A somewhat lame commotion commenced. A woman in Crenshaw’s group stumbled and fell into a large column as they continued to walk. The provocateur was yelling at Crenshaw about attending the World Economic Forum, his support for aid for Ukraine, and for his alleged support for red flag laws. Crenshaw does not support Red Flag Laws or Universal Background Checks. The slam “Eyepatch McCain” quickly surfaced.
Rep. Dan Crenshaw and his staff were violently confronted at the Republican Party of Texas convention a short time ago, when far-right social media activist Alex Stein and others whom witnesses described as Proud Boys began shouting “eyepatch McCain” at him – an attempted insult coined by Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson.
A witness to the incident tells Mediaite that in addition to Stein and others being escorted out of the building, “some arrests” were made at the scene. No photos or videos have come out showing any at the time of this post.
Naturally, there is a video. That’s the whole reason why provocateurs do what they do. And the tweet includes Tucker Carlson calling Crenshaw “Eyepatch McCain” in an interview at the end of the clip.
Calling Out Dan Censhaw for being a Globalist Rino @DanCrenshawTX pic.twitter.com/PnddurgOFX
— Alex Stein #99 (@alexstein99) June 18, 2022
This video by @Ccampbellbased fully exonerates myself and exposes the lies of @Mediaite and the rest of the mainstream media running cover for @DanCrenshawTX pic.twitter.com/OomXu6gjln
— Alex Stein #99 (@alexstein99) June 19, 2022
Anyway, Crenshaw responded.
This is what happens when angry little boys like @alexstein99 don’t grow up and can’t get girlfriends…
🤷 https://t.co/5KaIzx9umg— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) June 18, 2022
Ted Cruz was confronted on Friday.
Calling Out Ted “Cancun” Cruz for being a globalist and selling out America @tedcruz pic.twitter.com/DUeukZB6y3
— Alex Stein #99 (@alexstein99) June 17, 2022
None of these stunts will change anything. Crenshaw supporters will re-elect him to the House. Cruz isn’t up for re-election. There is anger everywhere, though. It’s disturbing seeing the report about Proud Boys being on the scene but I have no first-hand knowledge of that. Politics are rough and tumble in Texas. Red-on-red conflicts are common within the state party. It does seem more escalated this year, though.
Yelling that Crenshaw is a traitor and should be hung for treason is beyond the pale.