The Democrats in the House of Representatives continue to virtue signal to their base that they’re super-serious about keeping the ability to kill babies available to women (I mean, birthing persons, since I’m not a biologist) across the country, with the passage Friday of a couple of bills about “abortion rights,” including the Women’s Health Protection Act.

Associated Press:

The House has voted to restore abortion rights nationwide in Democrats’ first legislative response to the Supreme Court’s landmark decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

The bill has little chance of becoming law, with the necessary support lacking in the 50-50 Senate. Yet voting marks the beginning of a new era in the debate as lawmakers, governors and legislatures grapple with the impact of the court’s decision.

The legislation passed 219-210. The House also passed a second bill to prohibit punishment for a woman or child who decides to travel to another state to get an abortion, 223-205.

The AP also quotes House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, doing her usual grandstanding before the vote:

“Just three weeks ago the Supreme Court took a wrecking ball to the fundamental rights by overturning Roe v. Wade,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ahead of the votes, gathering with other Democratic women on the steps of the Capitol. “It is outrageous that 50 years later, women must again fight for our most basic rights against an extremist court.”

Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) wrote series of tweets just minutes ago, like a dutiful soldier of the left, spreading the propaganda of what they’re trying to push with these meaningless pieces of legislation — which, as AP notes, they know will not pass the Senate and into law:

The problem, though, is that this doesn’t “restore” any rights or “protect” women’s health — in fact, as one GOP representative noted, it completely ignores one particular person’s rights and health, while commenting on the abortion travel bill:

GOP Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma, who supports instituting a nationwide ban on abortion, accused his colleagues across the aisle Thursday of seeking to “inflame” the issue of abortion. He said proponents of the travel bill should ask themselves, “Does the child in the womb have the right to travel in their future?”

As I pointed out in a previous piece, Democrats have only the most tenuous grasp of what “freedom” is, on their best day. Today’s moves show they aren’t improving on that any time soon.
