Daily Mail has an exclusive interview with Eric Trump in which he makes several startling claims about the search that was carried out Monday at Mar-a-Lago.

Speaking exclusively to DailyMail.com, the former president’s son said the 30 agents who arrived at the property asked staff to turn security cameras off – but they refused…

Eric said that his father’s lawyer Christina Bobb was forced to stand at the end of the Mar-a-Lago driveway throughout the raid.

‘There’s 30 agents there,’ he recalled of the Monday search in a phone call with DailyMail.com. ‘They told our lawyer… you have to leave the property right now. Turn off all security cameras.’

‘They would not give her the search warrant,’ he claimed. ‘So they showed it to her from about 10 feet away. They would not give her a copy of the search warrant.’

If Trump does have video of the raid, I wouldn’t be surprised if that ended up in a future campaign commercial. But it also would seem to undercut the claim he’s making now that maybe the FBI planted evidence.

As for the warrant, Trump’s attorney Christina Bobb confirmed the gist of Eric Trump’s story but said that after some back and forth she was allowed to at least look at the warrant. She gave an interview to the show Real America’s Voice.

‘When I arrived and kind of announced myself as the legal representation for President Trump. I asked to see a copy of the warrant,’ the Trump lawyer detailed of the events the day prior.

‘Initially they refused and said, ‘You know, we don’t have to show it to you.’ And there was a little bit of an exchange about whether it was appropriate to withhold the warrant when you’re searching the residence of the former president, who’s likely to be the Republican nominee in the next election, though they conceded and let me see it, they did not give me a copy of it right away, but they did let me see it,’ added Bobb, who once was a host on far-right One America News Network.

Bobb went on to describe the warrant as “thin” noting that elements of it were sealed. Here’s the interview.

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The contents of the warrant may not remain sealed for long. Judicial Watch has filed a motion to unseal it and a judge has given DOJ until this coming Monday to respond.

All of this still sounds pretty heavy handed for a dispute with the National Archives over a few boxes of material. That’s not to say Trump couldn’t potentially be in some trouble for taking classified material but I guess I need to see more about why they thought this was about to disappear unless they grabbed it this week. Maybe we’ll eventually see what it was that was seized and why it was so important that it necessitated a 9-hour raid by two dozen FBI agents.
