What Happened To kecia Golay? Helen Golay daughter was been accused of a crime. Here’s what you should know about what happened.
Helen is a former real estate agent. Reportedly, she was on a journey to help homeless men alongside Olga Rutterschmidt.
On April 18, 2008, the two women were convicted of the murders of Paul Vados and Kenneth McDavid. Multiple reports claim that they had staged the death of the two personnel and collected multimillion-dollar life insurance on them.
What Happened To kecia Golay?
Kecia Golay is known for being Helen Golay’s daughter. The Daily Bulletin claims that she was the one who murdered Kenneth.
However, Kecia was never convicted of any crime in her life. Multiple reports suggest that Helen’s kid was the one who ran over one victim.
During the court hearing, Kecia kept weeping to look at her mother. It seems as if her mom was innocent of the crime committed in 2005.
Reportedly, Kecia stole a driver’s license from a woman at a health club. Then, she tried to arrange the purchase of a car which she later used as a murder weapon.
One of the lawyers claimed that Helen was ‘too old’ to commit such a crime. Moreover, she lacked the physical ability to lift a strong man and put him on the road.
Right now, Helen and Olga are facing two counts of murder. Moreover, they are accused of the conspiracy to murder for financial gain.
However, neither of the two has been proven guilty until now. Most probably, the well-known Black Widow Murders will be showcased on True Crime Story.
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Details About Kecia Golay Age And Height
Regarding Kecia Golay’s age and height, regrettably, we are currently unsure of her exact age and birth information.
Her height, weight, and other physical characteristics are likewise kept a secret. Nothing relevant about Helen’s daughter, other than her name, is now accessible in the public domain.
In fact, in-depth details about her mother are also almost unavailable on the web. Very few publications and other sites have mentioned her on the web. As a result, there is now very little to no information readily available on her.
With that said, when referring to the ages of the two elderly women, Olga and Helen are 88 and 91 years old, respectively, as of 2022. Golay was 75 and Rutterschmidt was 72 back in 2006.
Where Is Kecia Gola Today?
Speaking about Kecia Gola’s location, tragically the information surrounding her present predicament remains murky at this moment in time.
Netizens wonder what is she doing now and are anxious to learn more about Helen and her daughter. Cyber citizens should, however, continue to hold off until trustworthy information appears online.
Who Is Kecia Golay Husband?
Since there is still a dearth of trustworthy information on Kecia Golay online, we are unsure of whether she currently has a husband or not.
That noted, most probably she should be married by now. The event took place sixteen years ago. Although there is a good chance Kecia is married, there has been no proof of this to date.
Additionally, Kecia, Helen’s daughter, is now in an undefined relationship. We will update the post after getting information from reputable sources.
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