I don’t know how John Fetterman is going to do a debate with Dr. Mehmet Oz. There’s just one debate scheduled — for October 25. His policies are horrible and on that alone, he’s not going to do well because of his prior statements on energy and crime, not to mention his pulling a shotgun on an innocent black jogger. But in addition to all that, he has such a problem with communication now, I don’t know how he could pull it off. His people have been trying to limit his events to friendly crowds, nothing that puts him out there. His team may be hoping that many people in Pennsylvania will vote before the debate.
But in his most recent event, Fetterman showed again what confusion he has with just basic communication.
John Fetterman: “Thank you so very much what we have willing to do for this” pic.twitter.com/EoSUOmL3pE
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 8, 2022
“Thank you so very much what we have willing to do for this,” Fetterman said in a muddled jumble. “Because without your support, we can’t send me to D.C. to be the kind of partner that I know you all love Bob Casey.”
He’s leaving out words, jumbling parts of sentences, and not completing thoughts. This follows yet another incident of confusion just two days ago. At what point do Democrats admit there’s a problem here and think more about the country and what’s best for Americans, rather than their power? Of course, we know the answer to that — they don’t care. It’s always and only about their power. We see what they did with Joe Biden and they’re trying to do it again here with Fetterman, attempting to sneak him over the finish line and hope no one notices.
But as this most recent incident shows, he can’t hide it.
You know it’s getting bad when even the NY Times has to acknowledge that it’s an issue.
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In a speech lasting just five minutes, Mr. Fetterman told supporters in Westmoreland County, which Mr. Trump won by 28 percentage points in 2020, that “we must jam up red counties” by running up votes. Still recovering from his stroke in May, Mr. Fetterman spoke fluently but haltingly, with gaps between words. It typified how his campaign has been forced to pivot from relying on Mr. Fetterman’s charisma before crowds, in stump appearances during the spring, to a strategy focused heavily on social media and television ads. A single debate with Dr. Oz is scheduled for Oct. 25.
Since when are you speaking “fluently” if you have “gaps between words”? Well, they’re trying to spin for him, but even they can’t get around the problem.
The NY Times also punctured Fetterman’s working-class cosplay with which he’s trying to pull in blue-collar voters in the state.
Mr. Fetterman grew up affluent near York, Pa. For 13 years, he was the mayor of Braddock, a town outside Pittsburgh devastated by industrial collapse. The job paid $150 a year, and his family supported him until he became lieutenant governor at age 49.
As we reported, it looks like people on the left are starting to get desperate, spreading nonsensical smears against Dr. Oz, in the hope that they can deflect from Fetterman’s issues.
But it’s not working.
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