Among those tweets that randomly make it into your feed – a friend’s retweet, etc – there’s always the one that catches your eye for whatever reason, and you think to yourself, “What in the wide wide world of sports is a-going on there?!” Such was the case with this tweet in my feed last night.

OOF. Who is “Elizabeth” and what was that all about?

Elizabeth Guzman is a Virginia delegate running for 2023 re-election to the VA House of Delegates – her and her pronouns included.

Ian Prior is (according to his Twitter bio) “Executive Director of @fightforschools. Senior Advisor at @America1stLegal” and, judging by the article he linked to, I can understand his ire at Ms. Guzman. It wasn’t for the snippet he quote-tweeted. Oh, no. It’s for the bill she’s proposing to re-introduce during the very next legislative session, and for which she’s brought on members of the Democratic delegates to support.

Va. parents could face abuse charges for not affirming their LGBTQ child under new bill

Virginia parents could face a felony or misdemeanor charge if they do not affirm their child’s sexual orientation and gender identity, according to a state lawmaker with plans to introduce the legislation in Virginia’s upcoming legislative session.

…In response to Youngkin’s proposed model policy on the treatment of transgender students at Virginia schools, Democratic Virginia Delegate Elizabeth Guzman plans to take legislative actions.

“The day that Gov. Youngkin wanted to implement this policy, I immediately texted the policy lead of that committee and said, this is how we’re going to push back,” Guzman told 7News.

Guzman is a social worker and she’s planning on reintroducing a bill in Richmond that she said would help protect LGBTQ children from their parents and guardians who are not affirming of their child’s sexual orientation and gender identity.

Her bill would expand the state’s definition of child abuse and neglect to include parents who do not affirm their child’s gender identity or sexual orientation.

Well, that’s a fine kettle of fish, no? Ms. Guzman seems to have missed the gubernatorial race just a bit ago, where a mild mannered fellow named Glenn Youngkin won on the strengths of “parents’ rights” – stripping schools and the state of authority over raising children that they’d usurped from parents in the preceding progressively dominated years. The governor’s proposals (subject to a 30 day comment period) were, in point of fact, the catalyst for this massive progressive retaliatory, legislative hissy fit. Proposals that, when you read them, might have you scratching your common-sense head at what all the screeching and hysterical student walk-outs are about.

…The new model policies from the Virginia Department of Education, which were posted online Friday, say students’ participation in certain school programming and use of school facilities like bathrooms or locker rooms should be based on their biological sex, with modifications offered only to the extent required under federal law. The policies also say that students who are minors must be referred to by the name and pronouns in their official records, unless a parent approves the use of something else.

Regarding parental notification, the guidelines say school divisions may not encourage teachers to conceal information about a student’s gender from his or her parents. And they say parents must be given an opportunity to object before counseling services pertaining to gender are offered.

…Macaulay Porter, a spokesperson for Youngkin, said in a statement that the updated policy “delivers on the governor’s commitment to preserving parental rights and upholding the dignity and respect of all public school students.”

So…kinda like school used to be before the whack-jobs took over, and everyone had pronouns, three sexes and a pony, right? Although, to be honest, I’m sure they were a shock to the educators and Wokists in the system, as they were 180° out from the guidance of the previous Gov. Ralph “Blackface” Northam administration (“Let them do what they want” was pretty much the sum of it.), but Youngkin is once again delivering on promises made when he campaigned. These children belong to their parents.

…“These same progressives in Fairfax County actually believe they should lock parents out of their children’s lives,” Youngkin said at a “parents matter” rally during the beginning of the school year. “They think parents have no right to know what your child is discussing with their teacher or counselor.”

Frankly, I think it’s really disturbing that Ms. Guzman is practically licking her chops at the thought of harming parents who dare to interfere with what the school is possibly doing to, or encouraging in, their children. Listen to the malice of the implied threat here! It’s, “Well, you might not be charged, but just our having you investigated could cost you your job. SO DON’T EVEN.”

“Well, we first have to complete an investigation,” Guzman answered. “It could be a felony, it could be a misdemeanor, but we know that CPS charge could harm your employment, could harm their education, because nowadays many people do a CPS database search before offering employment.”

And then she is so nonchalant about state strictures on raising your child as you see fit.

… “What would you tell your Republican colleagues who say this is criminalizing parents? What would you tell them?” Minock asked Guzman.

“No, it’s not. It’s educating parents because the law tells you the do’s and don’ts,” Guzman answered. “So this law is telling you do not abuse your children because they are LGBTQ.”

Oh, we’re not criminalizing anything! We’re educating what the law we just made up says, and defining LGBTQ as immaterial to age or reason. Isn’t that convenient? The VA GOP is going hard after it.

No lies detected there.

This is the text of the previous bill that they are planning to re-introduce. In an interesting sidenote, 3 of Guzman’s co-patrons lost their seats in the last election cycle. (YO.)

The speaker of the VA House of Delegates has also called out the VA Congressmen who endorsed this monster in her recent campaign.

This ghastly attempt at criminalizing parenting could well play into flipping the Congressional House majority. One of the reps he calls out is Jennifer Wexton, who, as we noted in our piece here, is in a unexpectedly tight battle retaining her VA-10 seat with dynamic retired Navy Captain Hung Cao. He’s been most adept at tapping into that “protect my family” angst parents under attack in VA have been feeling – and has, I think five children of his own, so he’s totally there with them.

…Republicans face perhaps their biggest challenge in the Virginia 10th, where retired Navy Captain Hung Cao is taking on two-term incumbent Democrat Jennifer Wexton. Though Cook PVI rates this as the most difficult pickup for Republicans at D+6, Cao has by all accounts run an impressive campaign, and appears to be gaining momentum heading into the final weeks of the race. A refugee from Vietnam whose parents escaped shortly before the fall of Saigon in 1975, Cao’s personal story and unabashed patriotism has resonated with voters in a racially diverse district with a large immigrant population.

Anchored in Northern Virginia’s Loudoun County, the 10th District has also been ground zero for the national debate over Critical Race Theory and parents’ rights in education, an issue that has taken center stage in this race as well. “Parents play a leading role in their child’s health, wellness and education,” Cao tweeted recently. “Why does the Left continue to subvert parental involvement?” Cao has also held a number of rallies outside school board meetings and slammed Wexton for allowing Democrats to shut down schools for months. For Republicans hoping that education and other cultural issues will help boost them over the top in November, Cao’s race is one to watch.

I’m not sure what the deal is with Democrats and their propensity to double down on demonization, destruction and demogoguing. Talk about “read the room“! The rooms in Virgina are FULL OF ANGRY PARENTS, yet there isn’t one of these woke wanne-be fascists who can read anything directly in front of their glassy-eyed stares and perpetually snarling mouths, so righteously wrong are they.

They are determined to advocate and legislate the abuse of children in the name of criminalizing parents who refuse to allow their children to be abused.

Monsters. Every last one of them.
