Jordan is popularly known as the wife of NFL star Andy Dalton, but she has also started a name for herself as the vice president and co-founder of the Andy & JJ Dalton Foundation.

While a student at Texas Christian University, Jordan and Andy crossed each other’s paths for the first time. They both majored in marketing during their final year. After only one year of dating, they were getting married.

They were relocating to Cincinnati a few weeks later as the Cincinnati Bengals selected him in the 2011 NFL draft. The couple found it difficult to digest everything happening so quickly.

Nevertheless, despite several difficulties, they have supported and stood by one another ever since their marriage began in 2011. JJ Dalton would not have responded, “the wife of an NFL quarterback,” if you had asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up.

She always saw me as a businessperson, making crucial decisions for corporations, but she is still content with her life and pleased to join the Dalton family, which is essential to her.

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Jordan Dalton Is The Co-Founder And Vice President Of Andy & JJ Dalton Foundation ( Source : instagram )

They established the Andy and Jordan Dalton Foundation before Andy even played for the Bengals. They have assisted seriously ill and physically challenged kids and their families since 2011. In addition to their physical discomfort, children with significant illnesses or physical disabilities also have to contend with a wide range of side effects.

They frequently have limited movement, which prevents them from participating in sports, trips, and other activities with friends and family. They often end up in hospitals, resulting in periods of boredom, worry, and anxiety. Regular sick days make it simple to fall behind in class rapidly.

In addition, the financial strain their parents’ high medical expenses place on them can push even middle-class families to the point of poverty. The five community outreach initiatives Andy and JJ started, Date Night, King for a Day, the Hub, A Gift of Christmas, and the Pass It On Fund, were created to help seriously ill and physically challenged children’s families. Every year, they hold a date night where parents can go on dates while child care is provided.
