Healthy Diet: Eggs are a simple food item that is tasty and simple to eat. It can be eaten boiled, fried, or porched. Eggs have many health benefits. Let us know all!

Rich in Nutrients

1 Eggs Are Packed With Vitamins B12 And Vitamin D

2 Eggs Also Have Minerals Like Phosphorus

High-Quality Protein

1 Eggs Contain High-Quality Protein

2 Protein Is Crucial For Muscle Repair And Maintaining Healthy Skin And Hair

Promotes Brain Health

1 Eggs Have Choline, A Nutrient Important For Brain Health

2 Choline Helps In Fetal Brain Development During Pregnancy

Eye Health

1 Eggs Contain Lutein And Zeaxanthin

2 Lutein And Zeaxanthin Are Beneficial For Eye Health

Maintains Heart Health

1 Eggs contain healthy fats

2 Eggs contribute to improving good cholesterol levels

3 It is always advised to eat eggs in moderation

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