Parkinson's Disease Treatment: Doctor Explains Its Evolving Landscape
Parkinson’s Disease Treatment: Doctor Explains Its Evolving Landscape

Dr. Gurneet Singh Sawhney, a Senior Consultant of Neuro and Spine Surgery at Fortis Hospital Mulund, Mumbai, spoke to describing the cutting-edge techniques and the constantly evolving landscape of Parkinson’s treatment.

Written by Kinkini Gupta |Published : August 30, 2023 6:41 PM IST

Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that affects millions worldwide, has long been a challenge for both patients and medical professionals. Over the years, medical science has made significant strides in understanding the disease and developing treatments.

Dr. Gurneet Singh Sawhney, a Senior Consultant of Neuro and Spine Surgery at Fortis Hospital Mulund, Mumbai, spoke to describing the cutting-edge techniques from traditional medications to deep brain stimulation (DBS) and the constantly evolving landscape of Parkinson’s treatment.

Medications: The First Line of Defense

For decades, medications have served as the foundation of Parkinson’s treatment. Levodopa, a precursor to dopamine, the neurotransmitter that’s deficient in Parkinson’s patients, is one of the most common medications. Levodopa helps replenish dopamine levels in the brain, alleviating some of the motor symptoms such as tremors, rigidity, and bradykinesia (slowness of movement). Other medications, like dopamine agonists and MAO-B inhibitors, also target dopamine-related pathways.

However, long-term use of levodopa can lead to fluctuations in motor response and involuntary movements known as dyskinesias. This has spurred researchers to explore alternative approaches that can offer more stable and sustained relief.

Deep Brain Stimulation: A Technological Breakthrough

In recent years, deep brain stimulation (DBS) has emerged as a groundbreaking treatment for Parkinson’s disease. DBS involves surgically implanting electrodes into specific regions of the brain that control movement. These electrodes emit electrical pulses that modulate abnormal brain activity, effectively reducing the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s.

DBS is particularly useful for patients who experience fluctuations in their response to medication or who suffer from severe dyskinesias. It offers a more controlled and adjustable approach, allowing doctors to fine-tune the stimulation settings to each patient’s needs. Moreover, DBS has shown promise in enhancing patients’ quality of life by addressing not only motor symptoms but also certain non-motor symptoms like mood and cognition.

The Road Ahead: Challenges and Hope

Not all patients respond equally to therapies, and the mechanisms of Parkinson’s disease are still not fully understood. Additionally, the invasive nature of DBS surgery and the potential risks involved warrant careful consideration.

As research continues and technology advances, the future of Parkinson’s treatment appears bright. The integration of therapies, improved understanding of disease mechanisms, and the development of minimally invasive procedures could revolutionize how we manage Parkinson’s.

With a multi-faceted approach that combines medications, advanced technologies, and personalized care, patients today have a better chance at managing their symptoms and improving their quality of life. As science continues to push boundaries, there’s a sense of optimism that we are moving closer to a world where Parkinson’s is not just manageable, but conquerable.

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