Cancer is a deadly disease that occurs when abnormal cells in the body divide and grow in an uncontrollable way. They can then spread to other tissues and organs causing further damage.

There are more than 200 types of cancer that can affect the human body, with some of these more common than others.

This can mean that symptoms of lesser-known cancers are easily missed, delaying a diagnosis.

One such disease is appendiceal cancer, which is “rare” but can have serious consequences if not caught in time.

As its name suggests appendiceal cancer affects the appendix, a small finger-sized organ found in the lower right side of the abdomen.

While it is not exactly known what the appendix does, research in recent years has suggested it could provide a home for useful bacteria.

This bacteria could aid with good digestion and support the immune system.

But luckily removing it, which is the standard procedure if someone has appendicitis, has not been found to have any negative effects.

Appendicitis is probably the first thing you think about when considering the appendix.

It occurs when the appendix is inflamed and can cause severe pain in the abdomen that comes and goes.

This is also a symptom of appendiceal cancer, meaning it could be mistaken for appendicitis.

Overall, there are seven signs of the cancer that are very noticeable, according to the Cleveland Clinic in the US.

These are:

  • Bloating
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pelvic pain
  • Fluid build-up in the abdomen (ascites)
  • Changes in bowel function
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Increase in waist size.

However, appendiceal cancer could also cause fertility problems, which might not be immediately obvious, as well as appendicitis, which could just be diagnosed at face value.

The clinic reports that appendiceal cancer can occur at “any age”.

However, it’s more likely to develop in people over 50 and more common in women than men.

The clinic adds: “This disease is very rare. In the United States, appendix cancer affects approximately one to two people out of every one million.”

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