Nutritionist Laura Clark has highlighted the importance of a “a really important mineral” that can be easily incorporated into your diet and may aid in sleep. She has delved into the benefits of magnesium and whether more is necessarily better.

According to a blog by Laura, our bodies contain approximately 30g of magnesium, primarily found in bones, followed by muscle and soft tissue. Only 1% is present in our fluids as an electrolyte, which aids in fluid balance regulation.

Laura pointed out that survey data indicates most women in their 40s and 50s are consuming sufficient amounts of magnesium. However, younger adults often fall short, with about 20% of individuals in their 20s not getting enough.

Magnesium plays several crucial roles in our bodies, including energy release from food, preventing muscle contraction and blood clotting, nerve transmission, maintaining bone and teeth health, boosting immune function, supporting heart muscle, and aiding psychological function.

While there are no official legal health claims linking magnesium to improved sleep, its role in relaxation has led to its association with good sleep quality. Laura further explained that magnesium plays a part in the parasympathetic nervous system, which is linked to rest and digestion, reports Gloucestershire Live.

This includes supporting the regulation of melatonin, a hormone that controls the body’s sleep-wake cycles.

Laura stated: “A recent systematic review looking at all the evidence in this area compiled results from nine studies and over 7,000 people. Observational studies show a positive link between higher magnesium intakes and blood and urine levels of magnesium being associated with better sleep quality.”

“Back in the real world, statistical significance might not mean much though, as within all studies there will be people right across the spectrum, some of whom find benefit and some who won’t. There’s enough of a sniff here I think, to consider magnesium supplementation alongside a broader nutritional and holistic approach. For some, they could prove to be a helpful piece of the sleep puzzle.”

“My ethos is always to look at food first. There are many reasons for this, not least because food always brings with it non-nutritive compounds called phytochemicals which protect our bodies at a cellular level, and as it stands at the moment, we can’t bottle those or put them in a pill effectively.”

How to get magnesium from your diet

Laura has highlighted the body’s requirement for approximately 300mg of magnesium daily, pointing out that dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and broccoli are packed with it. She also suggests nuts, seeds, and wholegrains as other beneficial sources.

She elaborated on the mineral’s importance, stating: “Its association with relaxation and cognitive function are two of the reasons it might prove beneficial to the menopausal woman. Studies also show an association with low mood and low levels of magnesium.”

Considering food sources first, Laura advises that additional supplements could be considered based on individual symptoms and medical treatments related to hormone fluctuations.

Magnesium supplements

Laura explained: “There are many different forms of magnesium and different preparations will serve different supplementary benefits in the body. A standard supplement dose would be 200-400mg/day.”

She warned that magnesium oxide is “not absorbed so well and therefore has more digestive side effects such as diarrhoea and bloating”. On the other hand, magnesium citrate “has a lesser effect on stools and is better tolerated for use with improving sleep and mood”, according to Laura.

She also mentioned that magnesium bisglycinate chelate “seems to be rated highly amongst the sleep experts I know and is available online”. Laura emphasised the importance of seeking personalised advice before adding supplements to one’s diet.

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