Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental condition marked by an inflated sense of self-worth, a desperate need for admiration, and a stark lack of empathy.

Those with personality disorders experience the world in ways that differ significantly from the norm, often leading to difficulties in daily life.

Individuals with NPD may not mean to come across as insensitive or uncaring, but their fragile egos can make relationships tough due to their self-centred nature.

In a revealing insight, a man living with NPD has divulged a single question he believes could reveal whether someone has the disorder.

Jacob Skidmore, known as The Nameless Narcissist on social media, is an Ohio-based content creator who discusses his life with NPD.

In a recent video to his 200,000 TikTok followers, he claimed: “I would put money that 80% of narcissists can be identified with this question.”

He continued “So I’m a diagnosed narcissist and this is a question that was proposed to me by another friend of mine who is a diagnosed narcissist. And when I heard it, I was like, ‘oh my god, yes!’. Finally, somebody said it. Like the answer to this question felt so objectively true to me and I was shocked that finally I met somebody else who can see the reality of things naturally.

“Ask them, ‘don’t you think that there are just objectively better and worse people in the world?’ People who are superior and inferior, and the rest of the world just wants to ignore that. Even better if you add something implying that you and that person are both part of the upper echelons.

“Narcissists view the world through that lens, through the ideas that there are people who have more inherent self-worth and some people who have less self-worth. People who are better than other people and people who are worse. That is a central core belief that drives their actions. And it is why constantly they’re trying to prove that they are part of the better people, because deep down they think they’re part of the worst people.”

The public’s reaction to Jacob’s video was mixed, with many disputing the significance of his question. One user responded: “The answer is 100% yes, there’s no question about it. Doesn’t prove narcissism at all.”

On the other hand, another countered: “I have an ex who tried to convince me that altruism wasn’t real. That felt like a red flag to me.” Another viewer stated: “There are some really bad people in the world. And I am better than them.”

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