A dermatologist has shared a straightforward and cost-effective remedy for dry hands.

With temperatures across the UK remaining low and recent wind and snow battering much of the nation, many of us will find our skin is feeling the effects. The harsh winter conditions can cause our hands, lips, and faces to become chapped, and reversing the damage can be a challenge once it’s set in.

Fortunately, a skincare expert has revealed an easy overnight fix that promises to leave your hands feeling soft and supple again. New York-based dermatologist Dr Mark, known as Dermarktologist on TikTok, advises that all you need to rejuvenate your skin is a pair of cotton gloves and some petroleum jelly, such as Vaseline.

Dermatologist saves you from cracked, dry hands,” he said at the start of the video. Dr Mark suggests soaking your hands in warm water for five minutes and then patting them dry with a towel, ensuring they remain slightly damp.

Then, he says to “acquire [a] massive tub of petroleum jelly” and apply “large amounts” to your hands. Finally, slip on “white cotton gloves,” – though any colour cotton gloves will suffice – and wear them overnight.

“Wake up with soft hands,” Dr Mark concluded. His advice was supported by another skincare expert, known on TikTok as Dermguru.

She suggested immersing hands in warm water for around 10 minutes before following a method identical to Dr Mark’s. The video received a spate of comments from grateful viewers.

One person wrote: “Thank you!!” Another added: “My mom did this with my [hands] growing up (harsh desert winters) and i still have the smoothest hands to this day lmao.”

Nonetheless, some remained sceptical, with one individual commenting: “I do this every PM and they are smooth in the AM but go straight back to being dry and cracked again same day.”

Vaseline shared a similar regime on their website using their product. It read: “Before bed, rub a layer of Vaseline Healing Jelly or Vaseline Intensive Care Deep Moisture Jelly Cream onto your entire hand (including the back and between the fingers).”

Similarly, the website recommended covering your hands with cotton overnight. “In the morning, your hands should already feel softer!”

Dr Joshua Zeichner — Director of Cosmetic and Clinical Research in Dermatology at New York City’s Mount Sinai Hospital — affirms the effectiveness of petroleum jelly, especially for those who frequently wash their hands, leading to cracked, overly dry skin. In an interview with Men’s Health, he said: “Most people may already have one of the best skin care products on the market in their homes. Vaseline petroleum jelly is truly a jack of all trades.”

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