Doing 500 push-ups in a single day would be impressive enough.

But one man has shown the dramatic before and after result of completing this fitness feat in just one hour.

In a clip posted to YouTube, musician Jackson Hunter showed how after completing the 500 push-ups the muscles in his arms and chest had swollen to a far bigger size.

Gym fanatics call this a ‘pump’, and it occurs as a result of increased blood flow to the muscles from repeated strenuous use in a short period.

This makes them noticeably larger and, for some, more aesthetically appealing.

However, this swelling is only temporary and lasts just two to three hours, depending on factors like the intensity of the workout and how hydrated a person is.

While doing 500 push-ups is on the excessive side, experts say the exercise is a great indicator of general health, helping to measure an individual’s strength and endurance.

Some studies even suggest that being able to do many push-ups in a row could protect you from heart attacks and strokes. 

In a clip posted to YouTube, musician Jackson Hunter showed what doing 500 push-ups in hour did to his body

In a clip posted to YouTube, musician Jackson Hunter showed what doing 500 push-ups in hour did to his body 

Following the fitness feat the muscles in Mr Hunter’s arms and chest had swollen to a far larger size

Experts have previously advised that every person should be able to do a set number of push-ups at any age. 

Men in their mid-20s should set a goal of 28 push-ups at one time and women should work toward 20 to ‘show a good fitness level’.

By the mid-30s, the number drops by one for women, while men should be able to perform 21 push-ups.

When approaching their mid-40s women should be able to do 14 push-ups, while the count stands at 16 for men.

For 55-year-olds, the count decreases to 10 push-ups for women and 12 for men. 

Finally, both 65-year-old men and women should be able to do 10 push-ups at a time. 

Experts clarify, however, that while such guides can serve as a general indicator, individual fitness can be influenced by multiple factors and people shouldn’t get too caught up on reaching a specific number.

Instead, they said achieving a regular and manageable level of exercise is more important. 

Studies also suggest being able to do push-ups, and more of them, slashes your risk of suffering from heart attacks and strokes.

One study found that middle-aged men who could do 40 in one go had a 96 percent reduced risk of suffering a cardiovascular disease event compared to other men who could only manage fewer than 10. 

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