Rebel has previously opened up about her body confidence and explained that she has struggled to lose weight.

She announced earlier this year that she was going to make her health a priority.

Earlier this week, she drew attention to her new slimmed-down figure in a TikTok video shared to Instagram.

The Cats star began by taking a sip of water, before launching into an energetic routine, complete with boxing moves, high kicks and hair flicks.

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Rebel has also been spotted on numerous occasions working out alongside her personal trainer, Jono Castano Acero.

It is a well known fact that weight loss results only come with persistence exercise.

Experts recommend doing around one hour of exercise per day which should be a mixture of cardio and strength training.

It was revealed that Rebel works on high-intensity interval training, mobility, weights, resistance, technique and temp, with only one rest day per week.

“Wow…girl, you look fantastic…you’re inspiring! Work it, own it,” another fan commented.”

Rebel has previously spoken out about her body and explained she has struggled with her body image.

She told Cosmopolitan: “I love me some ice cream or desert, and it comes at times when I’m happy or sad.

“So when I have an incredibly stressful day, I want to celebrate and reward myself with food. If I’ve had a sad or stressful day, food is also comfort.”

However this year Rebel promised to herself that she would be sticking to a strict six day a week workout and would be ditching the comfort foods with healthy nutritious meals.

Source: Daily Express | Diet