We consider our home to be a safe haven for our family and ourselves. What we do not know is that sometimes the most common objects in our house can pose a great threat to our health.

The whitening toothpaste that ensures a bright, pearly smile, the antibacterial soap that protects our children from germs, and the diet sodas that advertise a slim figure are not as “innocent” as we might think.

We care about your health and well-being, which is why we have compiled a list of household products that can be harmful, along with some safer options.

Things We Do Every Day That Can Harm Us Badly

The Real Effect Of Diet Sodas

5 Deceptive Everyday Objects That Are Doing More Harm Than Good

The first thing we eliminate from our diet is regular soda. We rely on diet sodas to ease the transition as we still have something sweet and caffeinated to drink when our energy is running low.

However, studies suggest that there is a direct correlation between drinking diet sodas and the risk of developing serious health problems such as dementiaobesitycardiovascular diseases, and having a stroke.

To top it all, the main reason we drink them is to lose weight, but these types of drinks can increase our cravings and we can end up with a larger waistline.


Try to be natural. If the water is too soft for you, season by adding a little lemon juice. If you’re craving something sweet, smoothies can be your savior. You can even combine different varieties of fruits to make them more interesting.

A Toxic Splash Of Perfume

5 Deceptive Everyday Objects That Are Doing More Harm Than Good

Before leaving home, we make sure we have covered the “essentials” and a touch of our favorite perfume is always a must. What we don’t know is that we basically spray nice-smelling chemicals, some of which are derived from petroleum, on our skin.

Exposure to these fragrances can cause mild to severe symptoms, ranging from migraines to infertility. Furthermore, they are well-known pollutants. So let’s stop using them and do ourselves and the environment a favor!


Switch to products scented with natural oils. You can create your own toxin-free perfumes.

Non-stick Pans Equal Unwelcome Toxic Gases

5 Deceptive Everyday Objects That Are Doing More Harm Than Good

Being as busy as we were and not wanting to waste too much time scrubbing our pans, we bought the coveted nonstick skillet. We think we have found the solution to all our problems, but we are just adding a new one to the group.

The coating on these products contains polytetrafluoroethylene. When pots are overheated, toxic gases are released that can be carcinogenic.


It is highly recommended to use stainless steel or cast iron cookware. You can also incorporate natural and non-stick sprays into your kitchen.

Invasive Cotton Swabs

5 Deceptive Everyday Objects That Are Doing More Harm Than Good

Ear wax exists for a reason: it protects our ear canal from dust and dirt. When it builds up, it feels sticky. Consequently, we can get irritated and resort to using a cotton swab. When pressed too hard, it can damage delicate structures like the eardrum and even cause hearing loss.


First, throw them away or remove them from your shopping list. Then it is not really necessary to clean the accumulated wax inside your ear.

However, if you want to clean the dirt from the channel opening, use a damp cloth and be careful not to apply too much pressure.

The Antibacterial Hand Soap That Kills “too Many” Germs

5 Deceptive Everyday Objects That Are Doing More Harm Than Good

From our childhood, we are taught the importance of washing our hands frequently. We will not deny this part, but the use of antibacterial soaps can be “unhealthy”.

First of all, there is no strong evidence that they kill all germs, and neither should they. Experts believe that some ingredients found in these soaps, such as triclosan, can cause resistance to antibacterials.


Simple soap, water, and a thorough scrub are all you need to keep your hands clean.

Can you think of other products that could pose a threat to your health? We would like to know to better protect ourselves!

Source: crfatsides

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