Edible Slime Recipe

Edible Slime Recipe

Many homemade slime recipes are not made to eat but our edible slime recipe is non-toxic and chemical-free! Add flavors and colors to make it how you like!

Kids love slime. And by kids, I mean anyone from young kids to the elderly. There’s something so satisfying about sinking your hands into something so sticky and gooey but not having it stick to you. And better yet, no toxic chemicals, and it’s even edible!

How to Make Edible Slime

Most non-edible slime on the market consists of two main ingredients: some type of polyvinyl acetate (glue) and a catalyst like starch or contact solution. Many of these ingredients contain chemicals that are definitely not edible.[1]

Edible slime consists of ingredients that are not only edible but sometimes even good for you! Don’t be afraid to experiment with color and flavor. It can only get better!

Edible Slime Recipes

There are several recipes that you can use. Some use premade items and some start from scratch. Here are a few of my favorites:

Gummy Fruit Edible Slime Recipe

Melt the gummy fruit over a double boiler. When it is totally melted, take it off of the heat. Add the powdered sugar and arrowroot together in small amounts at a time, using a strainer or sifter. Knead like bread dough until you reach the desired consistency. You may need more or less depending on the humidity and the gummy fruit themselves. Store in an airtight container.

Marshmallow Edible Slime Recipe

This slime is a bit fluffier, but still fun to play with.

  • 12 large marshmallows (make your own here!)
  • 2 Tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 Tablespoons arrowroot powder

Melt the oil in a double boiler as above. Add the marshmallows and stir well. Add the arrowroot powder in small amounts. You may need more or less depending on the consistency that you want. Knead like bread dough until smooth. Store in an airtight container.

Adding Flavor, Smell, and Color

You can make your edible slime recipe smell and taste however you’d like.

You can use a few drops of natural food color or concentrated fruit juice as you are melting it in the double boiler. Mix well and proceed as you normally would. Don’t use more than a few drops as it may make your slime sticky.

To add flavor or scent, add a few drops of an extract or concentrate when you melt your slime. Or you can add a drop or two of kid-safe essential oil, such as lavender. Just be sure not to use too much and to mix it in well. Some concentrates may add a bit of color, such as orange or lemon.

Be creative and make your edible slime recipe into something you will enjoy!

Other Fun Additions

You’ve all seen fin stuff like glitter and foam balls added to slime to make it more interesting. You can certainly do that with any edible slime recipe, but you need to keep the ingredients edible. Colored sugar, candy balls, and sprinkles can all be used. However, because they are sugar-based, they’ll melt after a while. It’s ok, just add more next time!

Have you ever made and edible slime recipe?



  1. Polyvinyl Acetate. Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Database. Accessed March 2020.

Source: DIY Natural – Food