The right lighting in your bedroom, the right types of exercise before bed, and even the clothes you sleep in – all of these things can help anyone who wants to stay in shape, even when snoring comfortably under a blanket.

Surprisingly, there are even more ways that we do not know or simply ignore that help us fight those extra pounds, even when we are at rest.

We’ve compiled 5 scientifically proven ways to stay fit even when relaxing on your soft pillow at night. We’d love for you to check them out with us.

Sleeping With Fewer Clothes On

5 Ways to Improve Your Body Shape Even While Sleeping

When you sleep naked, you do get some health benefits, and helping you lose weight is one of them. Scientists suggest that keeping your body temperature lower while you sleep speeds up your body’s metabolism because it produces more brown fat to keep you warm.

Brown fat produces heat while burning calories, and this speeds up your metabolism throughout the day to help you lose weight. Sleeping without clothes also improves blood circulation and is good for the heart and muscles.

Getting Enough Sleep

5 Ways to Improve Your Body Shape Even While Sleeping

Sleep researcher Dr. Richard K. Bogan said that a sleep routine alone can help us lose weight. “Sleep is necessary for the normal functioning of hormones and the body’s immune system. A sleepy or sleep-deprived brain is a hungry brain, ”he said. “Poor sleep leads to weight gain.”

He suggested that an adult person needs roughly 7 and a half to 9 hours of sleep.

Doing The Right Exercising

5 Ways to Improve Your Body Shape Even While Sleeping

If you have more muscle mass, it helps you burn more calories even while you sleep. Doing some exercises on a daily basis, especially strength training, can help you lose a few pounds. If you find it difficult to calm down at night, try exercising a few hours before bed.

Sleeping In A Cooler, Darker Bedroom

5 Ways to Improve Your Body Shape Even While Sleeping

According to one study, people who had their room temperature set at 66 ° F for a month increased the number of calories that burned brown fat by 42% and increased their metabolism by 10%.

To lose a few pounds while you sleep, try ditching the night light as well. Research suggests that light before bed lowers melatonin levels and, if you sleep with the light on, it has a major impact on circadian regulation of metabolism and becomes the reason for weight gain, according to the Sleep Foundation.

Therefore, it is better to turn off the television, telephone and any other lights and consider buying blackout curtains to prevent outside light from entering.

Eating On A Schedule

5 Ways to Improve Your Body Shape Even While Sleeping

According to nutritionists, the hours of food and sleep should be kept at the same time every day. Charlotte Harrison, a nutritionist in London, says: “Our bodies run on a circadian rhythm, which is their internal clock.

Mealtime has a lot of influence on our circadian rhythm, so scheduling our food intake is very important. “

What’s your proven way to get fit and look like a bee’s knees?

Source: crfatsides

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